Virtual Event
Greetings of the day! ✨ IEEE BBDITM WIE-AG in collaboration with IEEE BBDITM STB is here with 5 days on the topic “Female Foeticide, A curse of Society” from Jan,30-Feb,03 2022 The main aim of [...]
Greetings of the day! ✨ IEEE BBDITM WIE-AG in collaboration with IEEE BBDITM STB is here with 5 days on the topic “Female Foeticide, A curse of Society” from Jan,30-Feb,03 2022 The main aim of [...]
A Three-Day Program Was Organized By WEAG (Women Empowerment Action Group), BBDITM Lucknow
BBDITM Congratulates the students of B. Tech. , who got selected in #COFORGE BBDITM wishes all the very best for future endeavors.
Regarding Practical -VIVA for ODD Semester Session 2021-22
A Briefing Session on the Internship with Infosys was organized by Infosys Technologies. The program includes with virtual roadshow session for the faculties members and staff to [...]