Department of Physics
Located in the scenic campus of Babu Banarasi Das National Institute of Technology and Management (BBDNITM) the Department of Physics started its activities in 1998 and there is no looking back since then.
The department has great flexibility in framing out lectures as per requirement of course structure, with additional notes, quiz, tutorial sheets and extra emphasis on the latest added syllabus. The faculty is also very active in reaching out to students specially the weak ones through extra classes, individual interactions, viva voce etc.
The faculty is always available for students during college hours, in the Physics faculty room on the 2nd floor of the main building, extension number 1041.
The Department of Physics has a well equipped laboratory consisting of nearly all experiments as per the syllabus prescribed. It has a well maintained dark room also with all latest equipments. The lab staff consists of a lab demonstrator (MSc. Physics) and lab technician.
The vision of the department is to be highly creative and innovative in order to develop as a Centre of Excellence that bridges the gap between learning Physics and its application in order to conduct quality research to ensure that needs for development are well addressed and fulfilled.
The mission of Physics Department is to provide quality Scientific and Technical education, training, innovation and creativity in the areas of Pure and Applied Sciences.
Physics Labs
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