World Environment Day Celebration 2022 by IIC-EDC
Human has been living on earth for a long time. Not only human but the earth is a place for survival for also other creatures like birds, animals and insects etc. It could have become possible [...]
Digital Marketing- Tools ,Trends & Technologies by IIC & Dept. of Management
On the ocassion of National Technology day Entrepreneur Development Cell(ELITE) Institute Innovation Council and Department of Management, BBDITM celebrated the day by organizing workshop on [...]
Founders Day on 31st March 2022
31st March is celebrated as Founders’ Day in BBDEG every year in the loving memory our honourable Chairman Sir, Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Ji. Traditionally it is a very important day when members of [...]
Smart India Hackathon 2022
BBDITM Organised Internal Hackathon for Smart India Hackathon 2022
Process of Innovation Development and Technology Readiness Development
You are cordially invited to an event organized by Institutional Innovation Council(IIC) on Date: 12 March 2022 Topic: “Process of Innovation Development and Technology Readiness [...]
‘Pitch your ideas’
💐💐Greetings to all 💐💐 You are cordially invited to ‘Pitch your ideas ‘ Use following template to pitch your idea. Make a PDF file of it and upload at the registration link provided [...]
“Impromptu Picture Competition” *
*Greetings of the day!* *IEEE BBDITM WIE-AG* in collaboration with *IEEE BBDITM STB is here with Day 3 “Impromptu Picture Competition” *