Department of Electrical Engineering

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Electrical Engineering4 YearsDr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical UniversityAICTE60

Department Overview

The Electrical Engineering Department was started since the inception of the college in the Year 1998, for imparting quality education and conducting valued research. Electrical engineering is one of the most important engineering disciplines that have changed the scenario of the world. Our important areas of teaching are electrical machines, electrical drives, power electronics, power systems, integrated circuits and systems, material sciences, control systems, communication and digital signal processing.

The vision of the department is to establish itself as a center of excellence in terms of research and teaching in its chosen areas. Our undergraduate program is based on the pedagogy of learning by doing. The aim is to invoke in our students a sense of inquisitiveness to question and to motivate them to think about the theoretical and applied problems in technology for the benefit of society. Each student in the department is given adequate time to work and are encouraged to take up project work in the area of microprocessors and computer application in the electrical power systems and electrical drives.

The department has qualified and experienced faculty members, all holding degrees from renowned institutes. Over the years the department has developed excellent facilities to impart training in the areas of electrical power system, electrical machines, instrumentation and control, electrical networks, microprocessor, computer applications and power electronics. We also undertake research projects sponsored by the industry.

We are providing the best education in Electrical Engineering course in our regions. Our growth is reflected by the achievement of our student’s results by securing merit positions in the Examinations of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University. The main highlights are 6 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze in previous years.

Electrical Labs

  • Basic Electrical Lab
  • Control System Lab
  • Electric Drives Lab
  • Power System Protection Lab
  • EMEC-I Lab
  • EMEC-II Lab
  • EMMI Lab
  • Artificial Intelligence Lab
  • Network Lab
  • Modelling Simulation Lab
  • Power Electronics Lab
  • Power System Lab

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