Research Publications
PhD Guided
Name of Faculty Member | Guided Ph.D in (Year) | Institute/University | Title of Thesis | Scholar’s Name | Status |
Dr.ManujDarbari | 2019-20 | BBDUniv | Genomic Data Retrieval through Ontology based Multi Agent System | Gaurav Kant Shankdhar | Completed |
Dr.ManujDarbari | 2021-22 | BBDUniv | Performance Optimization using Load Balancing Technique in Cloud Computing | ShadaabSiddiqui(P) | Thesis Submitted |
Dr.ManujDarbari | 2021-22 | BBDUniv | Performance Optimization using Load Balancing Technique in Cloud Computing | Shikha Sing(P) | Thesis Submitted |
Number of quality publications in refereed/SCI Journals, citations, International & National Journal and Conference, Books / Book chapters etc.
Number of quality publications in Refereed/SCI Journals (National /International) for Academic Year: 2021-22 | ||||
S.No | Name of All Author(s) as per publication | Title of Paper | Journal name (with issue, volume, page, year ) | SCI/ SCOPUS |
1. | Shubhi, Ankit Kumar, Shiv Prakash, Anupam | An Improved Approach towards biometric face recognition using artificial neural network | Journal of multimedia tool and application | SCI |
2. | Astha Singh, Ankit Kumar, Shiv Prakash | A Proficient Approach for Face detection and Recognition using Machine learning and high Performance computing | Concurrency and Computation practice and Experience | SCI |
3. | AnuragTiwari, KavitaSachdeva, Neha Jain | Computer Vision and Deep Learningbased Framework for Cattle Monitoring | 2021 IEEE 8th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON) | Scopus |
4. | AnuragTiwari, VineyDhiman, Mohamed AM Iesa, HaiderAlsarhan, AbolfazlMehbodniya, Mohammad Shabaz | Patient Behavioral Analysis with Smart Healthcare and IoT | Behavioural Neurology | SCI |
Number of quality publications in Refereed/SCI Journals (National /International) for Academic Year: 2020-21. | ||||
S.No | Name of All Author(s) as per publication | Title of Paper | Journal name (with issue, volume, page, year ) | National/ International |
1 | ManujDarbari, Shikha Singh | Ontological Representation of the UML/OCL Models and Their Verifications | International Journal of FutureGeneration Communication and Networking , Vol. 13, No. 1(2020),pp-940-951.(ESCI) | International |
2 | ManujDarbari, Shikha Singh | Logical Intervention in the Form of Work Breakdown Strategy using Object Constraint Language for e-Commerce Application | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp-266-271,March 2020.(ESCI) | International |
3 | S Siddiqui, M Darbari, D Yagyasen | Modelling and Simulationof Queuing Models through the concept of Petri Nets Advances. | Â Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence October 2020.(ESCI, Scopus).ISSN: 2255-2863 | International |
S.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Book / Book Chapter | Book / Book Chapter | Book Publication Details | Year of Publication |
1 | GauravKant,Richa Sharma,ManujDarbari | SAGRO-Lite: Alight Weight Agent Based Semantic Model For The Internet Of Things for Smart Agriculture in Developing Countries | Book Chapter (Chapter 12) | Springer Nature | 2021 |
Number of quality publications in Refereed/SCI Journals(National /International) for Academic Year: 2019-20. | ||||
S.No | Name of All Author(s) as per publication | Title of Paper | Journal name (with issue, volume, page, year ) | National/ International |
2 | Anurag Tiwari1,Vivek Kumar Singh2,Praveen Kumar Shukla3,Manuj Darbari4 | FEATURE EXTRACTION FOR MOBILE HANDSET IN COHERENCY WITH PRICING FACTORS | JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES,2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-3, March (2020) pp 297-310 | International SCI |
3 | M Darbari, H Ahmed and P.K. Singh | “SMART PublicEnterprises using Semantic Knowledge Management” | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Vol. 8, Issue 05, 2020.UGC CARE LIST No. 46174 (SCOPUS)ISSN:2278-3075 | International |
4 | S Siddiqui, M Darbari, D Yagyasen | “Enhancing the capability of Load Management Techniques in Cloud using H_FAC Algorithm Optimization” | International Journal of e-Collaboration) (ESCI, Scopus)ISSN: 1548-3673. | International |
5 | S. Singh, M. Darbari, G. Kant | , “Prioritized Intervention in E-Commerce Applications using Logical OCL Software Agents (PIE)”, | Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences VOL-15 No – 6, June, 2020 (ESCI) (Online) ISSN: 2454 – 7190. | International |
6 | S. Singh, M.Darbari | “Logical Intervention in the Form of Work Breakdown Strategy using Object Constraint Language for e-Commerce Application”, | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 11 No. 3, pp-266-271 March 2020 (Online). (ESCI) | International |
7. | S. Singh, M.Darbari | , “Ontological Representation of the UML/OCL Models and Their Verifications”, | International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking (Online) (ESCI) | International |
Number of quality publications in Conference (National /International) for Academic Year 2019-20 | ||||
S.No | Name of All Author(s) as per publication | Title of Paper | Journal name (with issue, volume, page, year ) | National/ International |
1 | GauravKant,ManujDarbari,Richa Sharma, Hasan Ahmad | Fuzzy Approach To Select Most Suitable Conflict Resolution Strategy in Multi Agent System | ICon -CUTE, No 14-16, 2019 | IEEE |
Patent Applied
Number of Patents | |||||
S. No. | Name of Inventor | Title of Patent | Application No. | Published / Filed | Session |
1 | Dr.ManujDarbari | Social Media Based Framework for Communit Mobilisation During and Post Pandemic | 202031046235A | Published | 2020 |
2 | Dr.ManujDarbari | Multi Objective Optimisation Based Decision Support System in buying Mobile Handset | 202011046787 | Filed | 2020 |
3 | Dr.ManujDarbari | Automatic human Personality detection system using Machine Learning | 20211108620A | Published | 2021 |
4 | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Social Media Based Framework for Communit Mobilisation During and Post Pandemic | 202031046235A | Published | 2020 |
5 | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Multi Objective Optimisation Based Decision Support System in buying Mobile Handset | 202011046787 | Filed | 2020 |
6 | Asit Kumar Gahalaut | Virtual reality based skill development system for construction workers | 202141033595 | Published | 2020 |
Information Technology Labs
- Artificial Lab
- Programming Lab
- Web Technology Lab
- Network Simulation Lab
- Information Security Lab