Research Publications

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Name of the Faculty MemberDesignationResearch Publication
Dr. Meetu PandeyAssociate ProfessorEDUVED International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Topic-“Success towards Women Entrepreneurship in India Issues & Challenges, Annual publication of F.A.A. G. P.G College Sitapur topic-“Science Communication Issues & Challenges”.
Prof. Krishan Kant Pandey Associate Professor1.pandey, krishan kant, Hasan, Noorul (2020).An Analysis of Socio demographic Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behaviour For Consumer Durables, IJRAR,ISSN- 2349-5138, IF-5.75, p.322.
2.pandey, krishan kant; Hasan, Noorul; Bhatla, Neeta (2020).An Empirical Study of Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behaviour in Tier-2 Cities of India, IMR Management Speak Vol 12, Issue 1 & 2,   ISSN: 2231-1467, p.73-85.
3. pandey, krishan kant; Bhatla, Neeta (2019).PARADIGM SHIFT TOWARDS E-SHOPPING: ASTUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO LUCKNOW, published in edited book (Changing Horizons of Indian Business,ISBN : 978-93-86608-83-3) at BHU,Varanasi..
Dr. Shivangee TiwariAssistant ProfessorTiwari, Shivangee & Dangwal, R.C. (2020) Exploring the Impact and Intervention of Governance, Culture on CSR Practices of Selected Indian Banks, International Journal of Education, Modern Management, Applied Science and Social Science, COSMOS Impact factor-5.143, ISBN-2581-9925.

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