Director’s Message

Welcome All,
Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology & Management, Lucknow (BBDITM) is one of the efforts to cherish the memory of the great & noble soul Babu Banarasi Das Ji, Ex. Chief Minister, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.
With a privilege of having inherited his legacy, BBDITM pioneered and today offers the richest programs in Engineering and Management. Since it’s establishment in 1998, we have been striving for setting high standards for our stake holders, and committed to meeting our social responsibilities. We are incorporating outcome based educational (OBE) practices into all our academic programs.
An Institute is known by it’s students and faculties, who together characterize the Institute’s intrinsic vision and mission. We are adopting strong mentor- mentee system for our students to solve their academic and non-academic issues. The Institute has an academically strong team of faculties drawn from reputed universities and Institutions. It is for this reason that our students are bringing laurels and setting new records every year. The Institute strikes partnerships with leading technical professional Institutions for the cause of education. We encourage and facilitate all kinds of research and have a very strong Institute-Industry interaction.
The institute lays emphasis on well-rounded personality development of the students and also in schooling the values of teamwork and integrity in them. Here, every student finds exhaustive opportunities to participate in and contribute to a variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and sports round the year.
We are committed towards creating a community which is vibrant and which provides a lifelong learning experience and professional development. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our campus, and discover for yourself what this great institution could mean to you.
Come and find out for yourself what you and BBDITM can do together!
Dr. Shailendra Singh Chauhan
BBDITM, Lucknow