
Mrs. Alka Das
M.B.A., L.L.B.
Advocate & Social Worker
Vice Chairperson, BBD Group
We have been in the field of education for almost 15 years and all this while I have had a dream. A dream of putting together an authentic, credible and vibrant university education system in a region which is not so developed and privileged and which for quite sometime has faced an unenviable problem of large number of students migrating to cities like Delhi, Pune, places down south and overseas in pursuit of quality higher and professional education. I experience a feeling of great satisfaction in launching BBD University at Lucknow with the conviction that we are creating an educational hub which would not only provide opportunities to the talented students of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa but would also attract the best talents of north west and south India and overseas too.

Prof(Dr.) Arun Kumar Mittal
M.A., Ph.D., D.LITT, F.R.A.S. (LONDON)
Vice Chancellor, BBD University
This saying has never been truer than it is today. This is because the times in which we live today stand on two key pillars: the pillars of globalization and growth. Both of these pillars are founded on a base structure of intense competition. As a result, the young generation of today faces various challenges in terms of securing their future and ensuring success in the path of life. It has become imperative for them to excel in their respective fields. Earlier they wanted to be the best but today they need to be better than the best!