Research Publications

Home / Research & Development / Research Publications
SNODepartmentFaculty NameDesignationTitle of Research PaperSessionJournal Name/VolumeRemark (Refereed Journal (UGC Approved),  Scopus, Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4 Journal,  etc.)
1ECEAbhimanyu Kumar YadavAssociate professorSolar powered object detector with analytical thinking for warfield spying2023-24Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR),Volume 11.Refereed Journal, UGC approved.
2ECEAMIT KUMAR SINGHAssistant ProfessorLibrary Silence Breaking Alarm System2023-24Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (ISSN : 2349-5162)/ volume 11Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
3CSEDipti RanjanAssistant ProfessorInfluence of artificial intelligence on the evolution of coding language2023-24IRJET VOLUME 11 ISSUES 6 impact factor 8.226Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
4CSEDipti RanjanAssistant ProfessorFuture of Artificial intelligence and machine learning in automotive industry2023-24IRJET VOLUME 11 ISSUES 6 impact factor 8.226Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
5CSEDipti RanjanAssistant ProfessorCONTINUOUS MONITORING AND TRACING OF OBJECTS IN REAL-TIME  FOR DETECTION2023-24IRJET VOLUME 11 ISSUES 6 impact factor 8.226Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
6CSEDipti RanjanAssistant ProfessorAdvancements In Brain Tumor Detection: A  Comprehensive Review Of Image  Segmentation Techniques Using Opencv2023-24IJCRT volume 12 issue 6Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
7CSEDipti RanjanAssistant ProfessorA COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF NEXT-GEN CLOUD SECURITY: EVERAGING  BIG DATA AND ADVANCED DATA MANAGEMENT2023-24IRJETS volume 6 issue 6 impact factor 7.868Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
8CSEDipti RanjanAssistant ProfessorFacilitating automated data transference via soa paradigms for seamless integration with nosql database infrastructure2023-24IRJET VOLUME 11 ISSUES 6 impact factor  8.226Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
10ECEDiwakar SinghAssistant ProfessorIOT Based Ration Vending Machine2023-24Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(ISSN 2349-5162)/Volume 11Refered Journal(UGC Approved)
11Mechanical EngineeringDr Shailendra Singh ChauhanProfessorMethods of Implementation in an Electric Vehicle Conversion and Vehicle Controller: A Review2023-24EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 11, Issue 01, pp156-177,SCOPUS
12Mechanical EngineeringDr Shailendra Singh ChauhanProfessorSawdust-Reinforced Glass Fiber Epoxy-Based Composite: Fabrication and Analysis of Mechanical Properties.2023-24Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series DSCOPUS
13EEDr. Apoorva SrivastavaAssistant ProfessorModel Predictive Control of Multiple Renewable Energy Sources in Hybrid DC Microgrids for Power Flow Control2023-24CRC Press Taylor and Francis (Book Chapter)SCOPUS
14EEDr. Apoorva SrivastavaAssistant ProfessorIntelligent Control of DC Microgrid Involving Multiple Renewables for Fast Charging Control of Electric Vehicles2023-24Electrical power components and systems/0(0)SCI journal
15EEDr. Apoorva SrivastavaAssistant Professorartificial intelligence based fast dc charging control of electric vehicles in standalone mode involving multiple renewable energy resources2023-24International journal on Energy Conversion/12SCOPUS
16EEDr. Apoorva SrivastavaAssistant ProfessorModel Predictive Control of Grid-Connected Wind Energy Conversion System Using VSC-Based Shunt Controllers2023-24CRC Press Taylor and Francis (Book Chapter)SCOPUS
17ManagementDr. Divya GangwarProfessorSynergizing Senses: Advancing Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Human-Computer Interaction with MFF-CNN2023-24SpringerSCOPUS
18ManagementDr. Divya GangwarProfessorInvestigation on the analysis of integration of IoT and AI technologies with information security for advanced education 4.02023-24Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and CryptographySCOPUS
19CSEDr. Diwakar YagyasenProfessorMethods of Implementation in an Electric Vehicle Conversion and Vehicle Controller: A Review2023-24EvergreenSCOPUS
20CSEDr. Diwakar YagyasenProfessorIC Design: An Approach of Study in Bio-Medical and mHealth Care Applications2023-24Advanced Research in Electronic Devices for Biomedical and mHealthSCOPUS
21CSEDr. Diwakar YagyasenProfessorPredicting Resilience of Blood Groups Against COVID-19 Delta Variant Using Machine Learning2023-24Advanced Research in Electronic Devices for Biomedical and mHealthSCOPUS
22HumanitiesDr. Neha PandeyAssociate ProfessorSocioemotional Intelligence : A Valuable collection of Material from Indian Knowledge System2023-24Mukt Shabd Journal,Volume XIII, Issue 3Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
23HumanitiesDr. Neha PandeyAssociate ProfessorLIVE- IN RELATIONSHIP: AN UNENDING CHALLENGE?2023-24Knowledge Resonance, Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan – June, 2024.Peer reviewed Indexing with SIJF Impact Factor
24ECEDr. Rupali AgarwalAssociate professorSmart Wearable for Rescuers/ Victims2023-24Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative ResearchRefereed Journal (UGC Approved)
25Mechanical EngineeringDr. Shailendra Singh ChauhanProfessorDevelopment and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Environmentally Sustainable Composite Material using Various Reinforcements with Epoxy2023-24Case Studies in Construction MaterialsElsevier SCI journal, Impact factor of 6.5
26ECEKeerti MishraAssistant ProfessorWaste Segregation mechanism in Smart Dustbin2023-24TIJER/Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2024Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
27ECEKishan KumarAssistant ProfessorDetection system of an electric meter for a household2023-24IJCRTRefereed Journal (UGC Approved)
28ECENavneet Kumar PandeyAssistant ProfessorARDUINO BASED SEWAGE BLOCKAGE  DETECTOR2023-24JETIR May 2024, Volume 11Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
29ECEPankaj VermaAssistant ProfessorIOT BASED PERSON/WHEELCHAIR FALL DETECTION SYSTEM2023-24Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (ISSN : 2349-5162), Volume 11Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
30HumanitiesPoonamAssistant ProfessorBeyond materialism:Spiritual Knowledge from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita to Improve Employee Performance at the Workplace2023-24Mukt Shabd Journal/ Volume XIIIUGC CARE GROUP-1 JOURNAL
31ECERajeev SinghAssistant ProfessorVehicle Exhaust smoke and Noise Detection with Location Tracking2023-24TIJERRefereed Journal (UGC Approved)
32ECERAVI SHANKARAssistant ProfessorHybrid Technology for Military Communication2023-24Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR) Volume 11, Issue 5, May  2024 , pp: 770-774 (ISSN: 2349-5162)Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
33CSEVinayakAssistant Professor A critique of CNN Models for the Detection of Early-Stage Lung Cancer2023-24African Journal of Biological SciencesScopus Q4
34Mechanical EngineeringDr Shailendra Singh ChauhanProfessorMeasuring the effects of TQM and TPM implementation on the performance of the construction industry2023-24Int. J. Quality Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, PP 349-366SCOPUS
35Mechanical EngineeringDr Shailendra Singh ChauhanProfessorReview paper on thermal expansion and tribological behaviour of composite materials2023-24Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 79, Part 2SCOPUS
36CSEDr. Anurag TiwariAssociate ProfessorWilson’s disease classification using higher-order Gabor tensors and various classifiers on a small and imbalanced brain MRI dataset2023-24Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsSCOPUS
37CSEDr. Anurag TiwariAssociate ProfessorA logistic binary Jaya optimization-based channel selection scheme for motor-imagery classification in brain-computer interface2023-24Expert Systems with ApplicationsSCOPUS
38CSEDr. Anurag TiwariAssociate ProfessorAutomatic EEG channel selection for multiclass brain-computer interface classification using multiobjective improved firefly algorithm2023-24Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsSCOPUS
39CSEDr. Anurag TiwariAssociate ProfessorA Multiclass EEG Signal Classification Model Using Channel Interaction Maximization and Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition2023-24Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)SCOPUS
40CSEDr. Anurag TiwariAssociate ProfessorA Hybrid Feature Selection Method Using an Improved Binary Butterfly Optimization Algorithm and Adaptive β-Hill Climbing2023-24IEEE AccessSCOPUS
41CSEDr. Manuj DarbariProfessorMeasuring the effects of TQM and TPM implementation on the performance of the construction industry2023-24International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology, 2023, 9(4), pp. 349–367SCOPUS
42ECEDr. Rupali AgarwalAssociate ProfessorGesticulated Robotic Arm2023-24IETE Zonal seminar on “Data Science, Communication and Information Security”Conference
43Mechanical engineeringJyoti SinghAssistant ProfessorA concise review of optimization potentials on working fluids used in power cycles2023-24European chemical bulletinScopus indexed till July 2023
44Mechanical engineeringJyoti SinghAssistant ProfessorEffect of design conditions on reheat gas turbine combined cycle power using transcritical carbon dioxide and ammonia water mixture2023-24European chemical bulletin (ECB)Scopus indexed till July 2023
45ECERAVI SHANKARAssistant ProfessorAgriculture Pesticides Spraying Drone2023-24Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR) Volume 10 Issue 5 May-2023 eISSN: 2349-5162Refereed Journal (UGC Approved)
46CSEVineet AgarwalAssistant ProfessorReform Dentistry: A web-based platform for revolutionizing dentistry2023-24INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN EMERGING TRENDS IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (ICAETC-2023)SCOPUS
47CSEVineet agarwalAssistant ProfessorEnhancing Human Pose Detection and Estimation Through MediaPipe and CNN2023-24INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN EMERGING TRENDS IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (ICAETC-2023)SCOPUS
48CSEVineet agarwalAssistant ProfessorFRUIT QUALITY INSPECTION AND SELLING SYSTEM2023-24International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and SciencePEER REVIWED
49CSEDr. Anurag TiwariAssociate ProfessorAutomatic channel selection using multiobjective X-shaped binary butterfly algorithm for motor imagery classification2022-23Expert Systems with ApplicationsSCOPUS
50CSEDr. Anurag TiwariAssociate ProfessorA hybrid feature selection approach based on information theory and dynamic butterfly optimization algorithm for data classification2022-23Expert Systems with Applications,SCOPUS
51CSEDr. Anurag TiwariAssociate ProfessorIntelligent traffic controller2022-23International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore),SCOPUS
52CSEDr. Anurag TiwariAssociate ProfessorHybrid Lawyer Recommendation System Based on AGE-MOEA2022-23IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics, ICDCECE 2022,SCOPUS
53CSEDr. Anurag TiwariAssociate ProfessorHigher-Order Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Multichannel Singular Spectrum Decomposition Hybridization for BCI Feature Extraction2022-232022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology, ICONAT 2022SCOPUS
54ManagementDr. Divya GangwarProfessorExamining the role of receptivity to Green communication, altruism and openness to change on young consumers’ intention to purchase green apparel. A multi- analysis approach.2022-23Journal of Retailing and consumer servicesSCI Indexing
55CSEDr. Manuj DarbariProfessorFog Computing Paradigm with Internet of Things to Solve Challenges of Cloud with IoT2022-23Communications in Computer and Information Science,SCOPUS
56CSEDr. Manuj DarbariProfessorAnalysis of Ambient Air Quality by Exploring LoRaWAN based Connectivity in Fog based Infrastructure2022-23Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and ManagementSCOPUS
57CSEVineet agarwalAssistant ProfessorArtificial intelligence based Data Pruning using Regression for Smart Apriori Algorithm2022-23International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering (IJRDASE)IEEE conference
Session 2022-23
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/VolumeDepartmentRemark
1.Ms.PoonamValue Education Ensures Happiness, Prosperity and Peace in the life of Human Being2022International Journal of Noval Research and Development (IJNRD)
Vol 7 Issue 10, October, 2022
Impact Factor: 8.76
HumanitiesRefereed Journal (UGC Approved)
2.Dr. Shailendra TahilyaniDeployment of Autonomous Vehicles in Agricultural Land using Voronoi PartitioningDate of Acceptance
IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems ( ICECS-2022)Electronics & CommunicationConference Paper
3.Shahab Ahmad,Shailendra Singh chauhanConverting gasoline vehicle into an electric vehicle (EV)-A review2022Materials Today: ProceedingsMechanical Engineering, Electrical EngineeringScopus
4.Abhishek Verma, Shailendra Singh ChauhanReview paper on thermal expansion and tribological behavior of
composite materials
2022Materials Today: ProceedingsMechanical Engineering, Electrical EngineeringScopus
Session 2021-22
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Dr. Shailendra TahilyaniAutomatic Gate Controlling System2022Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative researchRefereed
2Mr. Amit Kumar singhIot Live Weather Monitoring System Using Nodemcu ESP82662022International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and ScienceRefereed
3Dr. Rupali agarwalPerformance of multi-antenna relay based cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio network2022International Journal of Electronics LettersSCI
4Dr. Rupali agarwal5G Wireless Networks20223rd International Conference on Recent Advancements and Innovations in Management, Media, Science, Technology, Education and Lgal Issues (ICRAIMMSTEL’ 22) ORGANISED BY JIMS Engineering Technical Campus, Greater NoidaInternational Conference
5Ms. Keerti MishraCorona Robot Using Arduino
and Esp8266 Wi-Fi Module
2022International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific MethodsRefereed
6Mr. Dharmesh KumarSmart Cities Through IOTs2022International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering TechnologyRefereed
7Ms. Yamini YadavSmart Public Transport Tracking and Parking Slot Detection System2022Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative researchRefereed
8Mr. Navneet PandeyWater Quality Management using IOT2022Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative researchRefereed
9Dr. Abhimanyu YadavSmart Bin Using IOT2022Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative researchRefereed
10Mr. Kishan KumarSmart Energy Meter Using Arduino and WIFI Module2022International Journal for Scientific Research & DevelopmentRefereed
11Mr. Ravi ShankarVehicle To Vehicle Communication Using
Li-Fi Technology
2022International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)Refereed
12Mr. Anil Singh RathoreGPS and GSM based Guiding System For Blind Person2022International Research Journal of Modernization In Engineering Technology And ScienceRefereed
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Ashwani Kumar pandeyComparative analysis of T-Beam along with deck slab by Courbon’s method and STAAD. Pro2022Materials Today: ProceedingsScopus
2Supriya PhurailatpamModeling Migration of Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater using Modflow: Casestudy20222nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Infrastructure (ICCEASI – 22)Conference
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Ashirwad DubeySolar based electric vehicles charging station2021INFOKARA Research (UGC Care)UGC Approved
2Ashirwad DubeySolar power highway accident avoidance system Hilly area along with intensity based street light as well atmospheric supervision2021INFOKARA Research (UGC care)UGC Approved
3Apoorva Srivastava, R.S. BajpaiModel Predictive Control of Grid-Connected Wind Energy Conversion System2022IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCHSCI/SCIE
4Apoorva Srivastava, R.S. BajpaiModel Predictive Control of Renewable Energy Sources in DC Microgrid for Power Flow Control2022International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON)Scopus
5Apoorva Srivastava, R.S. BajpaiAn Efficient Maximum Power Extraction Algorithm for Wind Energy Conversion System Using Model Predictive Control2022International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON)Scopus
6Anadi Swaroop, Gaurav Shukla, Athak Srivastava, Om Prakash Yadav, Fazlur RahmanAutomatic Anti collision and self driving system for Electric Vehicles2021IJMTEUGC Approved
7Fazlur Rahman, Abhinav Kumar Tiwari, Anubhav Shukla, Ashutosh Soni, Rishabh Kumar MishraAn Innovative Prototype to Prevent Accidents using Eyeblink sensor, Ultra sonic sensor, Alcohol sensor and MEMS Accelerometer2021IJRASETUGC Approved
8Khadim Moin Siddiqui, Mohd Khursheed, Rafik Ahmad, Fazlur RahmanPerformance Assessment of Variable Speed Induction Motor by Advance Modulation Techniques2022SpringerScopus
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Shubhi, Ankit Kumar, Shiv Prakash, AnupamAn Improved Approach towards biometric face recognition using artificial neural network2021Journal of multimedia tool and applicationSCI
2Astha Singh, Ankit Kumar, Shiv PrakashA Proficient Approach for Face detection and Recognition using Machine learning and high Performance computing2021Concurrency and Computation practice and ExperienceSCI
3AnuragTiwari, Kavita Sachdeva, Neha JainComputer Vision and Deep Learning based Framework for Cattle Monitoring20212021 IEEE 8th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON)     Scopus
4AnuragTiwari, Viney Dhiman, Mohamed AM Iesa, Haider Alsarhan,  Abolfazl Mehbodniya, Mohammad ShabazPatient Behavioral Analysis with Smart Healthcare and IoT2022Behavioural  NeurologySCI
5Nabeel Ali;Dolley Srivastava;Aditya Tiwari;Akash Pandey;Abhay Kumar Pandey;Akshat SahuPredicting Life Expectancy of Hepatitis B Patients using Machine Learning2022Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), IEEE International Conference     Scopus
6Anurag Tiwari;Ratnesh Singh;Ayush Tripathi;Sarthak Gupta;Utkarsh Upadhyay;Vineet SinghHybrid Lawyer Recommendation System Based on AGE-MOEA2021Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), IEEE International Conference      Scopus
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1S Siddiqui, M Darbari, D YagyasenA QPSL Queuing Model for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing2021IJeC, July-Sep 2020 (International Journal of e-Collaboration) (ESCI, Scopus).ISSN: 1548-3673ESCI, Scopus
2S. Singh, M. Darbari, G. KantPrioritized Intervention in E-Commerce Applications using Logical OCL Software Agents (PIE)2021Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences VOL-15  No – 6, June, 2020 (ESCI) (Online) ISSN: 2454 – 7190.ESCI
3Manuj Darbari, Shikha SinghLogical Intervention in the Form of Work Breakdown Strategy using Object Constraint Language for e-Commerce Application2021International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp-266-271,March 2020.(SCI)   SCI
4S Siddiqui, M Darbari, D YagyasenModelling and Simulation of Queuing Models through the concept of Petri Nets Advances.2021 Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence October 2020.(ESCI, Scopus).ISSN: 2255-2863ESCI, Scopus
5Gaurav Kant,Richa Sharma,Manuj DarbariSAGRO-Lite: Alight Weight Agent Based Semantic Model For The Internet Of Things for Smart Agriculture in Developing Countries2021Book Chapter (Chapter 12)Springer Nature
6Vaibhav Gupta, Hemlata Pant, Arjun Chaurasia, Astha Dwivedi, Shubham Singh, Pragati SinghAutomatic Quiz Generator2021International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and ManagementGoogle Scholar
7Shivam Prajapati, Hemlata Pant, Prerna Sharma, Neelesh Chandra Vaish, S. Abbas Zaheer, Shomaila Farooq, VikasLapdock: Brainless Laptop2021International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering TechnologyGoogle Scholar
8Gaurav Singh, Hemlata Pant, Pratiksha Singh, Gaurav Kumar, Krishn Pratap SinghHeartCare – A Heart Disease Prediction System based on Machine Learning2021Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative ResearchGoogle Scholar
9J Maurya, H Pant, S Dwivedi, M JaiswalFlood Avoidance Using Iot2021International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and TechnologyGoogle Scholar
10Alankar mishra,Piyush kumar singh, Abhiyanshu yadav, Akshay shukla, Akshaya mishraFace recognition multi management system2021IJIRT , volume 8 issue 2UGC
11Shadab Siddiqui,Ruba Khan , AbhishekAnalytical Survey of Windows Operating System and Comparison of Windows, Linux and Android Operating System2021ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence JournalWeb of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS
12Aditya Sahu,Akash chaudhary,Aman Verma,Ankit Sharma,Aryan Srivastava,Shekhar SrivastvaHome Appliences control using Voice2021international journal of Software Computing and TestingUGC
13Amit Kumar JaiswalCrime Management2021Book Chapter:
Published by the Association of Global Academician and Researchers Tamilnadu on 01 May 2021.
Google Scholar
14Aditya Kumar Srivastav, Kanchan Jaiswal, Prateek Srivastava, Ishika Yadav, Gunjan MishraANN Application in Data Mining for Time Series Forecasting2021Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIRUGC –Care Approved group
15Tanisha Arora, Ankita Agarwal, Neha Singh, Shivakankshi Singh, Nirupama Gupta, Shahida KhatoonEmerging Technology IoT and OT: Overview, Security Threats, Attacks and Countermeasures2021IJIRTGoogle Scholar
16Abhishek Pandey, Ankita Agarwal, Aditya Kartikeya Dubey, Nikhil Bhatt, Utkarsh YadavFlower Classification using Supervised Learning2021IJIRTGoogle Scholar
17Aman Srivastava, Ankita AgarwalANN Application in Data Mining for Time Series Forecasting2021IJERTGoogle Scholar
18Shadman A. Khan1*, Zulfikar Ali Ansari1 , Riya Singh1 , Mohit Singh Rawat1 , Fiza Zafar Khan1 and Shubham Kumar YadavSign Translation Via Natural Language ProcessingSign Translation Via Natural Language Processing2021Asian Journal of Research in Computer ScienceGoogle Scholar
191Sarthak Pandey, 2Zulfikar Ansari, 3Akansha Niranjan, 4Alisha Singh, 5Satyam Srivastava, 6Nandini GoelAutomated Restaurant System Using IoT2021International Journal of Innovative Research in TechnologyGoogle Scholar
20Aishwarya Gupta*Zulfikar Ali Ansari*Ananya Singh*Smart Weather Monitoring System Using Arduino Uno2021International Journal of Advanced Engineering Science and Technological Research (IJAESTR)Google Scholar
21Avaneet Agrahari1 , Zulfikar Ali Ansari2 , Arunesh Srivastava3 , Ankit Yadav4 , Vandana Mishra5 , Atul Kumar6Automatic Room and Temperature Monitoring with Visitor Counter Using Arduino and IOT2021International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)Google Scholar
22Mukul Lal1, Zulfikar Ali2, Mrinal Pandey3, Nitesh Prajapati4, Gaurav Gupta5, Kushan Krishna6Proposed Work On Object Sorting Using Color Sensing2021International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)Google Scholar
23Mohd Rehbar Khan1 , Zulfikar Ali Ansari2 , Mohammad Kamil Amin3 , Mohammad Nabeel4 , Zaid Alam5 , Km. PoojaSmart Navigating Stick2021International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)Google Scholar
24Mr. Suryansh Pandey, Mr. Anurag Shukla, Mr. Shivam Singh, Mr. Vijay Kumar, Mr.Vipin GoandDepression detection from social network data using ML2021IJRSET: International Journal for Research in Science Engineering & TechnologyGoogle Scholar
25Saijshree Srivastava, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bhadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaComparative Analysis of Neuro-Fuzzy Model For Human Resources2021IJISET – International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & TechnologyResearch-gate
26Shashank Mishra, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rajiv Singh, Vivek Pandey, Shubham Sagar, Yasasvi SinghCovid-19 Detection Using AI2021Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET)Research-gate
27Saijshree Srivastava, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bhadur SinghGreens IOT and its Green enabling Environment2021Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT)Research-gate
28 Rudrendra Bahadur Singh,Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh,Himanshu Kumar ShuklaDigital Transformation of Healthcare: A blockchain study2021International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & TechnologyResearch-gate
29Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaGreens IOT and its Green enabling Environment2021IJSRCSEITUGC
30Rudrendra Bahadur Singh,Rishabh Tripathi, Shreyas Srivastava, Diksha Sonkar, Ayushi SrivastavaDigital Asset Management2021IJIRTGoogle Scholar
31Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Vivek Sharma , Surabhi KesarwaniExploration of Monitoring and Detection of Blood Pressure via Machine Learning.2021Annals of R.S.C.BSCOPUS
32Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rudrendra Bahadur SinghGreen IOT and it’s green enabling enviroment2021International Journal IJRDASEVolume 21, Issue 1, 2021 ISSN NO. 2454-6844.Google Scholar
33Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla“Digital Transformation of Healthcare: A Blockchain study”2021International journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & TechnologyUGC
34Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla“Voice Assistant Using Python”2021 IJIRT, Vol. 8 Issue 2, July 2021 ISSN: 2349 – 6002.UGC
35Aditi Gaur,Raghuveer Sachan,Ashutosh Dwivedi, Niharika Singh, Shivansh Pandey,  Ankush SinghEye Blinking and Drowsiness Detection2021July 2021| IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 2UGC
36Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaGreens IOT and its Green enabling Environment2021International journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & TechnologyUGC
37Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaDigital Transformation of Healthcare: A blockchain study2021IJSRCSEITGoogle Scholar
38Ashutosh Singh, Ranjeet Srivastva, Y.N. SinghPlexnet:An ensemble of deep neural networks for biometric templete protection2021IJACSAESCI,SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL
39Ranjeet Srivastva, Ashutosh Singh, Y.N.SinghPlexnet: A fast and robust ECG biometric system for huma recognition2021Information Sciences(Elsevier)SCI
40Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaCost Estimation of Software by ANFIS based Artificial Intelligence Approach2021International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and EngineeringGoogle Scholar
41Rudrendra Bahadur Singh,Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh,Himanshu Kumar ShuklaDigital Transformation of Healthcare: A Blockchain study2021International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & TechnologyGoogle Scholar
42Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaGreens IOT and its Green enabling Environment2021IJSRCSEITUGC
43Rudrendra Bahadur Singh,Rishabh Tripathi, Shreyas Srivastava, Diksha Sonkar, Ayushi SrivastavaDigital Asset Management2021IJIRTGoogle Scholar
44Smiley Gandhi Prof.(Dr.) Kumar SampathInfluence of IoT with Cryptography in Healthcare Applications: A Review2021Shodh Drishti(UGC)Research-gate
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Shailendra Singh Chauhan, A K KhareAnalysis of Four-bar Linkages Suitable for Above-knee
2022EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy      Scopus
2Shailendra Singh ChauhanStudy and Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties on sawdust reinforced epoxy-based Composite2021World Journal of Engineering      Scopus
3Shailendra Singh Chauhan, Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Manish MauryaMechanical, Physical and Thermal Behaviour of SiC and MgO Reinforced Aluminium Based Composite Material2021EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy      Scopus
4SS Chauhan, S C BhaduriAnalysis of four-bar linkages configurations for above-knee prosthesis Status2021EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy      Scopus
5Shailendra Singh Chauhan, Jitendra Kumar Singh, Himanshu Singh, Sanjeev Mavi, Vaibhav Singh, Md Intzar KhanAn overview on recycling plastic wastes in bricks2021Materials Today: Proceedings      Scopus
6Shailendra Singh Chauhan, Nagendra Kumar Maurya, Shashi Prakash DwivediEffect of Particle Size and Weight Percent of Different Wood Dust on the Tensile Strength of Glass Fiber Epoxy/Saw Dust Composite Using RSM2021Materials Today: Proceedings      Scopus
7Shailendra Singh Chauhan., Khare A.KMethod of Obtaining Planar State of Stress Using Mohr’s Circle—Some Typical Cases2022Recent Trends in Engineering Design. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore      Scopus
8Shailendra Singh Chauhan, S S SaxenaInvestigation On Automobile Fire And Its Root Causes2021Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, (Conference Proceedings) Springer      Scopus
9Ms. Swati SachdevA Comparative Study of Electromagnetic
Braking System
2021International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)UGC Approved
10Ms. Swati SachdevBreaking System using Ultrasonoc Transmitter and Receiver Indicator with a Buzzer2022International Journal of Research in Engineering and ScienceUGC Approved
11Dr. Ankit AsthanaAn Interpretivestructural modelling approach to lean manufacturing ostacles2022International Journal of Mechanical Engineering      Scopus
12Mr. Vivek NarainFabrication of Pneumatic Jack2022International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and ManagementUGC Approved
13Mr. Vivek NarainPortable Wood Lathe Machine2022International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and ManagementUGC Approved
14Dr. Anil KumarMachining of stainless steel- A Review2022International Journal of Research in Engineering and ScienceUGC Approved
15Dr. Anil KumarDesign & Fabrication of Hydrolic break system2022International Journal of Research in Engineering and ScienceUGC Approved
16Mr. Shakti SinghTerrain Vehicle using Rocker-Bogie Arm Mechanism2022International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and ManagementUGC Approved
17Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavStatistical and Intelligent Techniques for Modeling and Optimization of Duplex Turning for Aerospace Material2021Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, World Scientific Publishing CompanySCI
18Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavMulti-response optimization for sequential application of erosion–abrasion in face grinding configuration2021International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Taylor & Francis      Scopus
19Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavIntegrated Methodology of Soft Computing for Process Modeling and Optimization of Duplex Turn Cutting of Titanium Alloy2022Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, World Scientific Publishing CompanySCI
Session 2020-2021
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Dr. Shailendra TahilyaniHybrid Solar Photovoltaic and Fuel Cell Power Sharing Using Feedback Controlled DC\DC Converters2020International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, Volume 26, Issue 3Scopus
2Kalyan Krishna AwasthiCost Effective Wadte Water Treatment for Rural Villages2021IJAEM, Volume 6UGC Approved
3Kalyan Krishna AwasthiSmart Clothes For Security Forces2021JETIR, Volume 8Referred
4Dr. Rupali AgarwalSmart Surveillance System2021International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, issue 6
5Ravi ShankarArtificial Intelligence enabled Robotictrash boat to Drive and Harvest Floating Trash from Urban Drain2021IJAEM, Volume 3Referred
6Diwakar SinghFire fighting through high resistance robot2021Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)Referred
7Dr.Abhimanyu Kumar YadavHybrid Solar Photovoltaic and Fuel Cell Power Sharing Using Feedback Controlled DC\DC Converters2020International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, Volume 26, Issue 3Scopus
8Dr.Abhimanyu Kumar YadavHome Automation using Arudino with Android Application2021IJARIIT, Vol. 6 Issue 3UGC Approved
9Pankaj VermaCost Effective Waste Water Treatment for Rural Villages2021International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, issue 6
10Yamini YadavWater Quality measuring device Using IOT2021International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, issue 6
11Dharmesh KumarInfrared Thermometer using Arduino2021Internation Journal for Research, vol. 9Referred
12Dharmesh KumarAutomatic Rain Sensing Wiper using Arduino2021Internation Journal for Research, vol. 9Referred
13Kishan KumarAutomatic Plant Watering System using Arduino Uno and Soil Moisture Sensors2021International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)Referred
14Kishan KumarAn Innovative Technique of  Electricity Generation and Use of Washing Machine by Treadmill2021International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)Referred
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Prof. Neha GuptaAssessment of The Status of Municipal Solid Waste Characterizations And Management Strategies (Mswm) For The Lucknow City- Capital Of Uttar Pradesh, India2020International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development, MNNIT, AllahabadUGC Approved
2Prof. Neha GuptaThe Development of the Effective Learning Environment by Creating & Sustaining an Effective Teaching in the Classroom2020National Conference on Computing, Communication, Control, Informatics & Pharmaceutical SciencesUGC Approved
3Prof. Neha GuptaReview on Thermoelectric Air Conditioning System: Applications and Technology2021IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)UGC Approved
4Prof. Neha GuptaThermoelectric Air Conditioning2021International Conference on Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICRAME 2021)UGC Approved
5Prof. Neha GuptaA review on Green Manufacturing: It’s important, Methodology and its Application2021International Conference on Technological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICTAME 2021)UGC Approved
6Shailendra Singh Chauhan, A K KhareKinematic Analysis of the ABB IRB 1520 Industrial Robot using RoboAnalyzer Software2020EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia StrategySCOPUS
7 Shailendra Singh Chauhan, S C BhaduriStructural analysis of a Four-bar linkage mechanism of Prosthetic knee joint using Finite Element Method2020EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia StrategySCOPUS
8Shailendra Singh ChauhanKinematic and Kinetic Gait Analysis of bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis and Its Effects on ankle and hip Gait Mechanics2020EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia StrategySCOPUS
9Shailendra Singh Chauhan, Dwivedi, S.P.Surface roughness and material removal rate behaviors of hard materials such as titanium alloy, nickel-based super alloy and tool steel2020TECNICA ITALIANA-Italian Journal of Engineering ScienceScopus
10Mr. Vivek NarainFabrication of Solar Powered Vecile for Four wheeler2021International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)UGC Approved
11Dr. Ankit AsthanaHardness & Impact Strength of Silk/ Hemp-epoxy Composites2021International Journal of Fracture and Damage MechanicsUGC Approved
12Dr. Ankit AsthanaMechanical behavior of silk/hemp/steel wool–Epoxy composite2021Materials Today: ProceedingsScopus
13Dr. Ankit AsthanaAnalysis of mechanical strength and Young’s modulus of ultrasonically functionalised CNT-epoxy composites2021Advances in Materials and Processing TechnologiesE-SCI
14Dr. Ankit AsthanaHardness and Impact Strength of Glass Fiber/Coir – epoxy composite2021Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle ResearchUGC Approved
15Dr. Ankit AsthanaFabrication of Motorized Screw Jack Machine2021International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific MethodsUGC Approved
16Dr. Anil KumarRoll of Detonation gun sprayed coating on super alloy- A Review2020Muktshad JournalUGC Approved
17Dr. Anil KumarReview of Solar pumping water irrigation system using Bluetooth2021IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)UGC Approved
18Mr. Shakti SinghSolar powered water purification system2021Info kara ResearchUGC Approved
19Kamaleshwar dhar DwivediDesign and Analysis of our Wheeler Vehicles Frame2021International research Journal off Engineering and TechnologyUGC Approved
20Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavModelling and optimisation of duplex turning of titanium alloy (grade 5) using Taguchi methodology-response surface methodology2020International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Inderscience Publishers (IEL)SCI
21Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavExperimental studies and multi-response optimisation of duplex turning parameters using grey relational analysis with entropy measurement2020International Journal of Precision Technology, Inderscience Publishers (IEL)SCI
22Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavModeling and optimization of duplex turning parameters for Ni-718 using response surface modeling2020Materials Research Express, IOP PublishingScopus
23Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavEmpirical modeling and multi-response optimization of duplex turning for Ni-718 alloy2020International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer IndiaScopus
24Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavElectro-spark process for microfabrication2021Micro Electro-fabrication,
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Saxena S.;Yagyasen D.;Saranya C.N.;Boddu R.S.K.;Sharma A.K.;Gupta S.K.Hybrid Cloud Computing for Data Security System20212021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA) Publisher: IEEEScopus
2Shadab Siddiqui, Dr. Manuj Darbari,  Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen“Crime Detection Using Sentiment Analysis”2020International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC), 2020 , Volume 16, Issue 3Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS
3Shadab Siddiqui , Dr Manuj Darbari and Diwakar Yagyasen“An QPSL Queuing Model for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing”2020International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) , Volume 16 ,Issue 2, Apr 2020 , pp 65–81Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS
4Shadab Siddiqui, Dr Manuj Darbari and Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen“Enhancing the capability of Load Management Techniques in Cloud using H_FAC Algorithm Optimization”2019The International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2019, Volume 8 Issue 12,Scopus Indexed
5Shadab Siddiqui, Manuj Darbari, Diwakar Yagyasen“Evaluating Load Balancing Algorithms for Performance Optimization in Cloud Computing”2019 Soft Computing and Signal Processing Springer AISC Series, Singapore , 2019 Volume 1,pp 325-344Springer AISC SERIES
6Shadab Siddiqui, Manuj Darbari, Diwakar YagyasenA Comprehensive Study of Challenges and Issues in Cloud Computing”,2020ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal  Regular Issue, Vol. 9 N. 3 (2020), 17-28ESCI,Scopus Indexed Journal
7Asmita Shukla, Ankita Agarwal, Hemlata Pant, Priyanka MishraFlower Classification using Supervised Learning2020International Journal of Engineering Research & Technologygoogle Scholar
8Shadab Siddiqui, Dr. Manuj Darbari,  Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen“Crime Detection Using Sentiment Analysis”2020International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC), 2020 , Volume 16, Issue 3Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS
9Shadab Siddiqui , Dr Manuj Darbari and Diwakar Yagyasen“An QPSL Queuing Model for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing”2020International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) , Volume 16 ,Issue 2, Apr 2020 , pp 65–81Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS
10Shadab Siddiqui, Dr Manuj Darbari and Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen“Enhancing the capability of Load Management Techniques in Cloud using H_FAC Algorithm Optimization”2019The International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2019, Volume 8 Issue 12,Scopus Indexed
11Shadab Siddiqui, Manuj Darbari, Diwakar Yagyasen“Evaluating Load Balancing Algorithms for Performance Optimization in Cloud Computing”2019 Soft Computing and Signal Processing Springer AISC Series, Singapore , 2019 Volume 1,pp 325-344Springer AISC SERIES
12Shadab Siddiqui, Manuj Darbari, Diwakar YagyasenA Comprehensive Study of Challenges and Issues in Cloud Computing”,2020ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal  Regular Issue, Vol. 9 N. 3 (2020), 17-28ESCI,SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL
13Suyesh Tripathi, Shadab Siddiqui, Siddhant Kapur, Syed Adnan Abbas, Saurabh Kumar Kashyap, Waris KhanFastest Growing Waste: E-waste2020Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative ResearchGoogle Scholar
14Rishabh Tripathi Mr. Shadab Siddiqui Diksha SonkarCenteract A Novel Approach2020International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)Google Scholar
15Sarthak Pandey, Shadab Siddiqui,  Shekhar Srivastava, Diwakar Yagyasen, Suryansh PandeyLine Follower Smart Dustbin using IOT2020Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)UGC
16Nikhil Gupta, Kaneez Zainab,Sanskar Srivastava, Akash Agnihotri,Kaushal, AhmedHeartbeat Monitoring Device Using Arduiono with IOT2020International Journal of Engineering Research and Applicationsgoogle scholar
17Kaneez Zainab, Dr Namrata DhandaPrevention of E-Frauds by self authenticating the e- documents2020International Journal of Engineering Research and Applicationsgoogle scholar
18Amit Kr. JaiswalImplementing Leach Protocal for Network Lifetime Inhancement through an Energy efficient Approach2020“International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering & Management (IJSREM)google scholar
19Mohd. Yusuf Zaidi
Amit Kumar Jaiswal
Mohd. Arman Rayeen
Mohd. Arshad,
Organ donar behaviur2020“International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering & Management (IJSREM)google scholar
20Amit Kumar Jaiswal
Himanshu Kumar
Ashwani Kumar
E- Home Designer2020“International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering & Management (IJSREM)google scholar
21Abhinav Chaudhary, Pooja khulbeHandwritten Text Recognition App Using Python2020International Research Journal of Engineering and Technologygoogle scholar
22Aditya Kumar Srivastav, Kanchan Jaiswal, Prateek Srivastava, Ishika Yadav, Gunjan MishraFlower Classification using Supervised Learning2020International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)UGC –Care Approved group
23Asmita Shukla, Ankita Agarwal, Hemlata Pant, Priyanka MishraTensor Analysis Application for Web Mining on High Dimensional Data2020International Journal of Engineering Research & Technologygoogle Scholar
24Prof. (Dr.) Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Neha Goyal, Rohit, Dr. Sapna SinghA Supply Chain Management Based Patient Forecasting Model For Dental Hospital2020Journal of Critical ReviewsSCOPUS 2019-20
25Mohit Gangwar, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Rohit Srivastava, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap SinghArtificial Neural Network based Applications in Mechanical Engineering2020International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)SCOPUS 2019-20
26Dr. Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Dr. Sapna SinghMachine Learning Techniques in the Detection and Classification of Psychiatric Diseases2020TEST Engineering and managementSCOPUS 2019-20
27Dr. Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Dr. Sapna SinghIntelligent
Computing Model For Psychiatric Disorder
2020Machine Learning Techniques in the Detection and Classification of Psychiatric DiseasesSCOPUS 2019-20
28Mohit Gangwar, Sapna Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Rohit, Chandrabhan Singh, Neha Goyal, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaA Review on Machine Learning Techniques in the Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders2020Indian Journal of Public Health Research & DevelopmentSCOPUS 2019-20
29Mohit Gangwar, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Sapna SinghA Challenging Situation for the World2020International Journal of Advanced Science and TechnologySCPOUS 2019-20
30Sapna Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Mohit GangwarComparative Analysis of Neuro-Fuzzy Model For Human Resources2020International Journal Of Scientific & Technology ResearchSCPOUS 2019-20
31Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaIntelligent
Computing Model For Psychiatric Disorder
2020International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineeringgoogle- scholar
32Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rudrendra Bahadur SinghA Review on Machine Learning Techniques in the Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders2020International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineeringgoogle- scholar
33Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bahadur SinghA Challenging Situation for the World2020International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineeringgoogle- scholar
34Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaWeb Site Popularity Estimation using Genetic Algorithm based Modedlling2020International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and EngineeringResearch-gate
35Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaDevelopment of AI Based Application for Diagnosis Diabetes Using Pathological Attributes2020International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineeringgoogle- scholar
36Surabhi KesarwaniExploring issues and Proposing Model of Agile Parking Slot Allocation & Assistance System2020International Journal of Advanced Science and TechnologyGoogle Scholar
37Surabhi KesarwaniExploring issues and challenges in Automated Self Driving System- Robots on Roads, Bringing Illusion to Reality2020International Journal of Advanced Science and TechnologyGoogle Scholar
38Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh“Development of AI based Application for Diagnosis Diabetes Using Pathological Attributes”2020International Journal IJRDASEVolume 20, Issue 2, 2020 ISSN NO. 2454-6844.Google Scholar
39Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh“Cost Estimation of Software by ANFIS based Artificial Intelligence Approach”2020International Journal IJRDASEVolume 20, Issue 2, 2020 ISSN NO. 2454-6844.Google Scholar
40Saijshree Srivastav, Shiva PrakashReview on Enhanced Energy Efficient Routing Protocol of WSN and Use of IoT2020ICRITOSCOPUS
41Saijshree Srivastav, Shiva PrakashSecurity Enhancement of IoT Based Smart Home Using Hybrid Technique2020Journal of Critical ReviewsSCOPUS
42Prof. (Dr.) Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Neha Goyal, Rohit, Dr. Sapna SinghA Supply Chain Management Based Patient Forecasting Model For Dental Hospital2020Journal of Critical ReviewsSCOPUS 2019-20
43Mohit Gangwar, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Rohit Srivastava, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap SinghArtificial Neural Network based Applications in Mechanical Engineering2020International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)SCOPUS 2019-20
44Dr. Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Dr. Sapna SinghMachine Learning Techniques in the Detection and Classification of Psychiatric Diseases2020TEST Engineering and managementSCOPUS 2019-20
45Dr. Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Dr. Sapna SinghIntelligent
Computing Model For Psychiatric Disorder
2020Journal of Critical ReviewsSCOPUS 2019-20
46Mohit Gangwar, Sapna Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Rohit, Chandrabhan Singh, Neha Goyal, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaA Review on Machine Learning Techniques in the Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders2020Indian Journal of Public Health Research & DevelopmentSCOPUS 2019-20
47Mohit Gangwar, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Sapna SinghA Challenging Situation for the World2020International Journal of Advanced Science and TechnologySCPOUS 2019-20
48Sapna Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Mohit GangwarComparative Analysis of Neuro-Fuzzy Model For Human Resources2020International Journal Of Scientific & Technology ResearchSCPOUS 2019-20
49Vandana TripathiPAN- Sharpening of Multi -Spectral Satellite Images Using Multi Scale Transform Based Techniques2019JETIRUGC
50Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaWeb Site Popularity Estimation using Genetic Algorithm based Modedlling2020International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and EngineeringUGC
51Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar ShuklaDevelopment of AI Based Application for Diagnosis Diabetes Using Pathological Attributes2020International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and EngineeringUGC
52Smiley Gandhi, Mohaammad ShabazEvichain:Evaluating and Scrutinizing Crime using Block Chain2019IJRTE(Scopus)Google Scholar
53Mr. Himanshu Kumar ShuklaAndroid Malware Detection Amid Covid-192020IEEEUGC Approved
54Ms. Saijshree SrivastavaAn Analysis of Various IoT Security Techniques: A Review,2020IEEEUGC Approved
55Mr. Rohit SrivastavaAccident Avoidance Using SUMO2020IEEEUGC Approved
Session 2019-20
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Dr.Rupali AgarwalPerformance Improvement of Energy Detector in Cognitive Radio using SECp Diversity Combining Technique over Fading Channel2019International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (Inderscience) Vol. 86Scopus
2Diwakar SinghAutomating Irrigation Process Using Soil & Weather Conditions2020VSRD International Journal, Vol 10UGC Approved
3Kishan KumarMinimizing Power Factor Loss In Power
Consumption by Engaging APFC Unit
2020International Journal
of Management, Technology And Engineering
4Kishan KumarUnderground Fault Distance Locator using PIC based Microcontroller and GSM system2020International Journal of Management, Technology And EngineeringReferred
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Prof. Neha GuptaAdvanced Genetic Algorithm and ANN Based Surface Roughness2019Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)UGC Approved
2Ashwani Kumar PandeyEngineering for Change2019SouvenirConference
3Shailendra Singh ChauhanKinematic and kinetic analysis of knee joint during squatting2019IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and EngineeringSCOPUS
4Shailendra Singh Chauhan, Prem Shankar SinghFabrication and testing of plastic sand brick2019IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and EngineeringSCOPUS
5Ms. Swati SachdevA comparative study of generation of electricity from waste water2019Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative ResearchUGC Approved
6Mr. Vivek NarainStudy and Imperical Modelling relating welding parameters & Mechanical properties off metal innert gas welded SS304 & C28 plate2019International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)UGC Approved
7Dr. Anil KumarAnalysis of Oxidation behaviour on T22 Boiler Steel at 800 degree centrigrade2020Journal of Polymer & CompositeUGC Approved
8Dr. Anil KumarAnalysis of Oxidation behaviour on Alloys & Super Alloy at 800 degree centrigrade2020International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)Scopus
9Dr. Anil KumarComperative Study of Oxidation & Hot Corrosion beaviour of uncocated & ditonation gun sprayed Cr3C2-25 Nicr coating on SA213 Boiler Steel at 800 degree centrigrade2020Journal of thin flim coating science technology & applicationsUGC Approved
10Mr. Shakti SinghStatistical Analysis of efect of welding factors on mechanical property of hot air welded polyvinyl Chloride2019International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR)UGC Approved
11Kamaleshwar dhar DwivediParametric Optimization of MIG Weldingg for Dissimilar Metals Using Taguchi Design Method2019International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and TechnologyUGC Approved
12Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavMicro-electrochemical Discharge Machining2019Springer, SingaporeScopus
13Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavElectro-chemical spark machining–based hybrid machining processes: research trends and opportunities2019Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering ManufactureScopus
14Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavMulti-response optimization of process parameters for grinding aided electrical discharge machining of metal matrix composite2019Journal of Advanced Manufacturing SystemsScopus
15Dr. Ravindra Nath YadavMulti-response optimization of duplex turning of Nickel alloy using grey relational analysis with entropy measurement2019Engineering Research Express, IOP PublishingSCI
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Apoorva Srivastava, R.S. BajpaiAn Adaptive Control Strategy for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Variable Speed Wind Turbine using Model Predictive Control2019ICon-Cute-2019Scopus
2Apoorva Srivastava, R.S. BajpaiComparative Analysis of PI & MPC Controllers for Dynamic Voltage Restorer using Wind Energy Conversion System2020ICNTE-2021Scopus
3Apoorva Srivastava, Ayush tiwari, Deepak Kushwaha, Divyanshu Pratap SinghHybrid Integration of grid connected renewable energy system for controlling voltage and power2021ICEICT-2022Scopus
4Apoorva Srivastava, Kishan Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar MauryaWind Turbine Fed Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Voltage Disturbance Mitigation2021ICACFCT-2021Scopus
5Adesh Kumar MishraA low cost PLC industrial Automation2019IJRASETUGC Approved
6Adesh Kumar MishraThe development ocean energy in India2019IEEEScopus
S.No.Name of FacultyTitle of Research PaperYearJournal Name/ VolumeRemark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference)
1Anurag  Tiwari, Vivek Kumar Singh, Praveen Kumar Shukla, Manuj DarbariBlending Multi-Objective Optimization and Quality Function Deployment For Determining Cost And Quality2020Journal of Mechanics of Continua And Mathematical Sciences,2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-3, March (2020) Pp 311-323SCI
2Anurag  Tiwari, Vivek Kumar Singh, Praveen Kumar Shukla, Manuj DarbariFeature Extraction for Mobile Handset in Coherency with Pricing Factors2020Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences, 2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-3, March (2020) Pp 297-310SCI
3M Darbari, H Ahmed and P.K. SinghSMART Public Enterprises using Semantic Knowledge Management2020International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Vol. 8, Issue 05, 2020.UGC CARE LIST No. 46174 (SCOPUS)ISSN:2278-3075Scopus
4S Siddiqui, M Darbari, D YagyasenEnhancing the capability of Load Management Techniques in Cloud using H_FAC Algorithm Optimization2019International Journal of e-Collaboration) (ESCI, Scopus) ISSN: 1548-3673.ESCI
5S. Singh, M. Darbari, G. KantPrioritized Intervention in E-Commerce Applications using Logical OCL Software Agents (PIE)2020Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences VOL-15 No – 6, June, 2020 (ESCI) (Online) ISSN: 2454 – 7190.ESCI
6S. Singh, M.DarbariLogical Intervention in the Form of Work Breakdown Strategy using Object Constraint Language for e-Commerce Application2019International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 11 No. 3, pp-266-271 March 2020 (Online). (ESCI)ESCI
7S. Singh, M.DarbariOntological Representation of the UML/OCL Models and Their Verification2020International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking (Online) (ESCI)ESCI

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