Research Publications
SNO | Department | Faculty Name | Designation | Title of Research Paper | Session | Journal Name/Volume | Remark (Refereed Journal (UGC Approved), Scopus, Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4 Journal, etc.) |
1 | ECE | Abhimanyu Kumar Yadav | Associate professor | Solar powered object detector with analytical thinking for warfield spying | 2023-24 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR),Volume 11. | Refereed Journal, UGC approved. |
2 | ECE | AMIT KUMAR SINGH | Assistant Professor | Library Silence Breaking Alarm System | 2023-24 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (ISSN : 2349-5162)/ volume 11 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
3 | CSE | Dipti Ranjan | Assistant Professor | Influence of artificial intelligence on the evolution of coding language | 2023-24 | IRJET VOLUME 11 ISSUES 6 impact factor 8.226 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
4 | CSE | Dipti Ranjan | Assistant Professor | Future of Artificial intelligence and machine learning in automotive industry | 2023-24 | IRJET VOLUME 11 ISSUES 6 impact factor 8.226 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
5 | CSE | Dipti Ranjan | Assistant Professor | CONTINUOUS MONITORING AND TRACING OF OBJECTS IN REAL-TIME FOR DETECTION | 2023-24 | IRJET VOLUME 11 ISSUES 6 impact factor 8.226 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
6 | CSE | Dipti Ranjan | Assistant Professor | Advancements In Brain Tumor Detection: A Comprehensive Review Of Image Segmentation Techniques Using Opencv | 2023-24 | IJCRT volume 12 issue 6 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
7 | CSE | Dipti Ranjan | Assistant Professor | A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF NEXT-GEN CLOUD SECURITY: EVERAGING BIG DATA AND ADVANCED DATA MANAGEMENT | 2023-24 | IRJETS volume 6 issue 6 impact factor 7.868 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
8 | CSE | Dipti Ranjan | Assistant Professor | Facilitating automated data transference via soa paradigms for seamless integration with nosql database infrastructure | 2023-24 | IRJET VOLUME 11 ISSUES 6 impact factor 8.226 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
9 | CSE | Dipti Ranjan | Assistant Professor | ASESSING THE EFFECTIVENESS AND PERFORMANCE.OF AN INTEGRATED WEB SERVICES FRAMEWORK | 2023-24 | IRJET VOLUME 11 ISSUES 6 impact factor 8.266 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
10 | ECE | Diwakar Singh | Assistant Professor | IOT Based Ration Vending Machine | 2023-24 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(ISSN 2349-5162)/Volume 11 | Refered Journal(UGC Approved) |
11 | Mechanical Engineering | Dr Shailendra Singh Chauhan | Professor | Methods of Implementation in an Electric Vehicle Conversion and Vehicle Controller: A Review | 2023-24 | EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 11, Issue 01, pp156-177, | SCOPUS |
12 | Mechanical Engineering | Dr Shailendra Singh Chauhan | Professor | Sawdust-Reinforced Glass Fiber Epoxy-Based Composite: Fabrication and Analysis of Mechanical Properties. | 2023-24 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D | SCOPUS |
13 | EE | Dr. Apoorva Srivastava | Assistant Professor | Model Predictive Control of Multiple Renewable Energy Sources in Hybrid DC Microgrids for Power Flow Control | 2023-24 | CRC Press Taylor and Francis (Book Chapter) | SCOPUS |
14 | EE | Dr. Apoorva Srivastava | Assistant Professor | Intelligent Control of DC Microgrid Involving Multiple Renewables for Fast Charging Control of Electric Vehicles | 2023-24 | Electrical power components and systems/0(0) | SCI journal |
15 | EE | Dr. Apoorva Srivastava | Assistant Professor | artificial intelligence based fast dc charging control of electric vehicles in standalone mode involving multiple renewable energy resources | 2023-24 | International journal on Energy Conversion/12 | SCOPUS |
16 | EE | Dr. Apoorva Srivastava | Assistant Professor | Model Predictive Control of Grid-Connected Wind Energy Conversion System Using VSC-Based Shunt Controllers | 2023-24 | CRC Press Taylor and Francis (Book Chapter) | SCOPUS |
17 | Management | Dr. Divya Gangwar | Professor | Synergizing Senses: Advancing Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Human-Computer Interaction with MFF-CNN | 2023-24 | Springer | SCOPUS |
18 | Management | Dr. Divya Gangwar | Professor | Investigation on the analysis of integration of IoT and AI technologies with information security for advanced education 4.0 | 2023-24 | Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography | SCOPUS |
19 | CSE | Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen | Professor | Methods of Implementation in an Electric Vehicle Conversion and Vehicle Controller: A Review | 2023-24 | Evergreen | SCOPUS |
20 | CSE | Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen | Professor | IC Design: An Approach of Study in Bio-Medical and mHealth Care Applications | 2023-24 | Advanced Research in Electronic Devices for Biomedical and mHealth | SCOPUS |
21 | CSE | Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen | Professor | Predicting Resilience of Blood Groups Against COVID-19 Delta Variant Using Machine Learning | 2023-24 | Advanced Research in Electronic Devices for Biomedical and mHealth | SCOPUS |
22 | Humanities | Dr. Neha Pandey | Associate Professor | Socioemotional Intelligence : A Valuable collection of Material from Indian Knowledge System | 2023-24 | Mukt Shabd Journal,Volume XIII, Issue 3 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
23 | Humanities | Dr. Neha Pandey | Associate Professor | LIVE- IN RELATIONSHIP: AN UNENDING CHALLENGE? | 2023-24 | Knowledge Resonance, Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan – June, 2024. | Peer reviewed Indexing with SIJF Impact Factor |
24 | ECE | Dr. Rupali Agarwal | Associate professor | Smart Wearable for Rescuers/ Victims | 2023-24 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
25 | Mechanical Engineering | Dr. Shailendra Singh Chauhan | Professor | Development and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Environmentally Sustainable Composite Material using Various Reinforcements with Epoxy | 2023-24 | Case Studies in Construction Materials | Elsevier SCI journal, Impact factor of 6.5 |
26 | ECE | Keerti Mishra | Assistant Professor | Waste Segregation mechanism in Smart Dustbin | 2023-24 | TIJER/Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2024 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
27 | ECE | Kishan Kumar | Assistant Professor | Detection system of an electric meter for a household | 2023-24 | IJCRT | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
28 | ECE | Navneet Kumar Pandey | Assistant Professor | ARDUINO BASED SEWAGE BLOCKAGE DETECTOR | 2023-24 | JETIR May 2024, Volume 11 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
29 | ECE | Pankaj Verma | Assistant Professor | IOT BASED PERSON/WHEELCHAIR FALL DETECTION SYSTEM | 2023-24 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (ISSN : 2349-5162), Volume 11 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
30 | Humanities | Poonam | Assistant Professor | Beyond materialism:Spiritual Knowledge from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita to Improve Employee Performance at the Workplace | 2023-24 | Mukt Shabd Journal/ Volume XIII | UGC CARE GROUP-1 JOURNAL |
31 | ECE | Rajeev Singh | Assistant Professor | Vehicle Exhaust smoke and Noise Detection with Location Tracking | 2023-24 | TIJER | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
32 | ECE | RAVI SHANKAR | Assistant Professor | Hybrid Technology for Military Communication | 2023-24 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR) Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2024 , pp: 770-774 (ISSN: 2349-5162) | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
33 | CSE | Vinayak | Assistant Professor | A critique of CNN Models for the Detection of Early-Stage Lung Cancer | 2023-24 | African Journal of Biological Sciences | Scopus Q4 |
34 | Mechanical Engineering | Dr Shailendra Singh Chauhan | Professor | Measuring the effects of TQM and TPM implementation on the performance of the construction industry | 2023-24 | Int. J. Quality Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, PP 349-366 | SCOPUS |
35 | Mechanical Engineering | Dr Shailendra Singh Chauhan | Professor | Review paper on thermal expansion and tribological behaviour of composite materials | 2023-24 | Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 79, Part 2 | SCOPUS |
36 | CSE | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Associate Professor | Wilson’s disease classification using higher-order Gabor tensors and various classifiers on a small and imbalanced brain MRI dataset | 2023-24 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | SCOPUS |
37 | CSE | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Associate Professor | A logistic binary Jaya optimization-based channel selection scheme for motor-imagery classification in brain-computer interface | 2023-24 | Expert Systems with Applications | SCOPUS |
38 | CSE | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Associate Professor | Automatic EEG channel selection for multiclass brain-computer interface classification using multiobjective improved firefly algorithm | 2023-24 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | SCOPUS |
39 | CSE | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Associate Professor | A Multiclass EEG Signal Classification Model Using Channel Interaction Maximization and Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition | 2023-24 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) | SCOPUS |
40 | CSE | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Associate Professor | A Hybrid Feature Selection Method Using an Improved Binary Butterfly Optimization Algorithm and Adaptive β-Hill Climbing | 2023-24 | IEEE Access | SCOPUS |
41 | CSE | Dr. Manuj Darbari | Professor | Measuring the effects of TQM and TPM implementation on the performance of the construction industry | 2023-24 | International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology, 2023, 9(4), pp. 349–367 | SCOPUS |
42 | ECE | Dr. Rupali Agarwal | Associate Professor | Gesticulated Robotic Arm | 2023-24 | IETE Zonal seminar on “Data Science, Communication and Information Security” | Conference |
43 | Mechanical engineering | Jyoti Singh | Assistant Professor | A concise review of optimization potentials on working fluids used in power cycles | 2023-24 | European chemical bulletin | Scopus indexed till July 2023 |
44 | Mechanical engineering | Jyoti Singh | Assistant Professor | Effect of design conditions on reheat gas turbine combined cycle power using transcritical carbon dioxide and ammonia water mixture | 2023-24 | European chemical bulletin (ECB) | Scopus indexed till July 2023 |
45 | ECE | RAVI SHANKAR | Assistant Professor | Agriculture Pesticides Spraying Drone | 2023-24 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR) Volume 10 Issue 5 May-2023 eISSN: 2349-5162 | Refereed Journal (UGC Approved) |
46 | CSE | Vineet Agarwal | Assistant Professor | Reform Dentistry: A web-based platform for revolutionizing dentistry | 2023-24 | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN EMERGING TRENDS IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (ICAETC-2023) | SCOPUS |
47 | CSE | Vineet agarwal | Assistant Professor | Enhancing Human Pose Detection and Estimation Through MediaPipe and CNN | 2023-24 | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN EMERGING TRENDS IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (ICAETC-2023) | SCOPUS |
48 | CSE | Vineet agarwal | Assistant Professor | FRUIT QUALITY INSPECTION AND SELLING SYSTEM | 2023-24 | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | PEER REVIWED |
49 | CSE | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Associate Professor | Automatic channel selection using multiobjective X-shaped binary butterfly algorithm for motor imagery classification | 2022-23 | Expert Systems with Applications | SCOPUS |
50 | CSE | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Associate Professor | A hybrid feature selection approach based on information theory and dynamic butterfly optimization algorithm for data classification | 2022-23 | Expert Systems with Applications, | SCOPUS |
51 | CSE | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Associate Professor | Intelligent traffic controller | 2022-23 | International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore), | SCOPUS |
52 | CSE | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Associate Professor | Hybrid Lawyer Recommendation System Based on AGE-MOEA | 2022-23 | IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics, ICDCECE 2022, | SCOPUS |
53 | CSE | Dr. Anurag Tiwari | Associate Professor | Higher-Order Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Multichannel Singular Spectrum Decomposition Hybridization for BCI Feature Extraction | 2022-23 | 2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology, ICONAT 2022 | SCOPUS |
54 | Management | Dr. Divya Gangwar | Professor | Examining the role of receptivity to Green communication, altruism and openness to change on young consumers’ intention to purchase green apparel. A multi- analysis approach. | 2022-23 | Journal of Retailing and consumer services | SCI Indexing |
55 | CSE | Dr. Manuj Darbari | Professor | Fog Computing Paradigm with Internet of Things to Solve Challenges of Cloud with IoT | 2022-23 | Communications in Computer and Information Science, | SCOPUS |
56 | CSE | Dr. Manuj Darbari | Professor | Analysis of Ambient Air Quality by Exploring LoRaWAN based Connectivity in Fog based Infrastructure | 2022-23 | Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management | SCOPUS |
57 | CSE | Vineet agarwal | Assistant Professor | Artificial intelligence based Data Pruning using Regression for Smart Apriori Algorithm | 2022-23 | International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering (IJRDASE) | IEEE conference |
Session 2022-23
Session 2021-22
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Dr. Shailendra Tahilyani | Automatic Gate Controlling System | 2022 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative research | Refereed |
2 | Mr. Amit Kumar singh | Iot Live Weather Monitoring System Using Nodemcu ESP8266 | 2022 | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | Refereed |
3 | Dr. Rupali agarwal | Performance of multi-antenna relay based cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio network | 2022 | International Journal of Electronics Letters | SCI |
4 | Dr. Rupali agarwal | 5G Wireless Networks | 2022 | 3rd International Conference on Recent Advancements and Innovations in Management, Media, Science, Technology, Education and Lgal Issues (ICRAIMMSTEL’ 22) ORGANISED BY JIMS Engineering Technical Campus, Greater Noida | International Conference |
5 | Ms. Keerti Mishra | Corona Robot Using Arduino and Esp8266 Wi-Fi Module | 2022 | International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods | Refereed |
6 | Mr. Dharmesh Kumar | Smart Cities Through IOTs | 2022 | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology | Refereed |
7 | Ms. Yamini Yadav | Smart Public Transport Tracking and Parking Slot Detection System | 2022 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative research | Refereed |
8 | Mr. Navneet Pandey | Water Quality Management using IOT | 2022 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative research | Refereed |
9 | Dr. Abhimanyu Yadav | Smart Bin Using IOT | 2022 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative research | Refereed |
10 | Mr. Kishan Kumar | Smart Energy Meter Using Arduino and WIFI Module | 2022 | International Journal for Scientific Research & Development | Refereed |
11 | Mr. Ravi Shankar | Vehicle To Vehicle Communication Using Li-Fi Technology | 2022 | International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) | Refereed |
12 | Mr. Anil Singh Rathore | GPS and GSM based Guiding System For Blind Person | 2022 | International Research Journal of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science | Refereed |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Ashwani Kumar pandey | Comparative analysis of T-Beam along with deck slab by Courbon’s method and STAAD. Pro | 2022 | Materials Today: Proceedings | Scopus |
2 | Supriya Phurailatpam | Modeling Migration of Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater using Modflow: Casestudy | 2022 | 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Infrastructure (ICCEASI – 22) | Conference |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Ashirwad Dubey | Solar based electric vehicles charging station | 2021 | INFOKARA Research (UGC Care) | UGC Approved |
2 | Ashirwad Dubey | Solar power highway accident avoidance system Hilly area along with intensity based street light as well atmospheric supervision | 2021 | INFOKARA Research (UGC care) | UGC Approved |
3 | Apoorva Srivastava, R.S. Bajpai | Model Predictive Control of Grid-Connected Wind Energy Conversion System | 2022 | IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH | SCI/SCIE |
4 | Apoorva Srivastava, R.S. Bajpai | Model Predictive Control of Renewable Energy Sources in DC Microgrid for Power Flow Control | 2022 | International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON) | Scopus |
5 | Apoorva Srivastava, R.S. Bajpai | An Efficient Maximum Power Extraction Algorithm for Wind Energy Conversion System Using Model Predictive Control | 2022 | International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON) | Scopus |
6 | Anadi Swaroop, Gaurav Shukla, Athak Srivastava, Om Prakash Yadav, Fazlur Rahman | Automatic Anti collision and self driving system for Electric Vehicles | 2021 | IJMTE | UGC Approved |
7 | Fazlur Rahman, Abhinav Kumar Tiwari, Anubhav Shukla, Ashutosh Soni, Rishabh Kumar Mishra | An Innovative Prototype to Prevent Accidents using Eyeblink sensor, Ultra sonic sensor, Alcohol sensor and MEMS Accelerometer | 2021 | IJRASET | UGC Approved |
8 | Khadim Moin Siddiqui, Mohd Khursheed, Rafik Ahmad, Fazlur Rahman | Performance Assessment of Variable Speed Induction Motor by Advance Modulation Techniques | 2022 | Springer | Scopus |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Shubhi, Ankit Kumar, Shiv Prakash, Anupam | An Improved Approach towards biometric face recognition using artificial neural network | 2021 | Journal of multimedia tool and application | SCI |
2 | Astha Singh, Ankit Kumar, Shiv Prakash | A Proficient Approach for Face detection and Recognition using Machine learning and high Performance computing | 2021 | Concurrency and Computation practice and Experience | SCI |
3 | AnuragTiwari, Kavita Sachdeva, Neha Jain | Computer Vision and Deep Learning based Framework for Cattle Monitoring | 2021 | 2021 IEEE 8th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON) | Scopus |
4 | AnuragTiwari, Viney Dhiman, Mohamed AM Iesa, Haider Alsarhan, Abolfazl Mehbodniya, Mohammad Shabaz | Patient Behavioral Analysis with Smart Healthcare and IoT | 2022 | Behavioural Neurology | SCI |
5 | Nabeel Ali;Dolley Srivastava;Aditya Tiwari;Akash Pandey;Abhay Kumar Pandey;Akshat Sahu | Predicting Life Expectancy of Hepatitis B Patients using Machine Learning | 2022 | Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), IEEE International Conference | Scopus |
6 | Anurag Tiwari;Ratnesh Singh;Ayush Tripathi;Sarthak Gupta;Utkarsh Upadhyay;Vineet Singh | Hybrid Lawyer Recommendation System Based on AGE-MOEA | 2021 | Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), IEEE International Conference | Scopus |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | S Siddiqui, M Darbari, D Yagyasen | A QPSL Queuing Model for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing | 2021 | IJeC, July-Sep 2020 (International Journal of e-Collaboration) (ESCI, Scopus).ISSN: 1548-3673 | ESCI, Scopus |
2 | S. Singh, M. Darbari, G. Kant | Prioritized Intervention in E-Commerce Applications using Logical OCL Software Agents (PIE) | 2021 | Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences VOL-15 No – 6, June, 2020 (ESCI) (Online) ISSN: 2454 – 7190. | ESCI |
3 | Manuj Darbari, Shikha Singh | Logical Intervention in the Form of Work Breakdown Strategy using Object Constraint Language for e-Commerce Application | 2021 | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp-266-271,March 2020.(SCI) | SCI |
4 | S Siddiqui, M Darbari, D Yagyasen | Modelling and Simulation of Queuing Models through the concept of Petri Nets Advances. | 2021 | Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence October 2020.(ESCI, Scopus).ISSN: 2255-2863 | ESCI, Scopus |
5 | Gaurav Kant,Richa Sharma,Manuj Darbari | SAGRO-Lite: Alight Weight Agent Based Semantic Model For The Internet Of Things for Smart Agriculture in Developing Countries | 2021 | Book Chapter (Chapter 12) | Springer Nature |
6 | Vaibhav Gupta, Hemlata Pant, Arjun Chaurasia, Astha Dwivedi, Shubham Singh, Pragati Singh | Automatic Quiz Generator | 2021 | International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management | Google Scholar |
7 | Shivam Prajapati, Hemlata Pant, Prerna Sharma, Neelesh Chandra Vaish, S. Abbas Zaheer, Shomaila Farooq, Vikas | Lapdock: Brainless Laptop | 2021 | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Google Scholar |
8 | Gaurav Singh, Hemlata Pant, Pratiksha Singh, Gaurav Kumar, Krishn Pratap Singh | HeartCare – A Heart Disease Prediction System based on Machine Learning | 2021 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | Google Scholar |
9 | J Maurya, H Pant, S Dwivedi, M Jaiswal | Flood Avoidance Using Iot | 2021 | International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology | Google Scholar |
10 | Alankar mishra,Piyush kumar singh, Abhiyanshu yadav, Akshay shukla, Akshaya mishra | Face recognition multi management system | 2021 | IJIRT , volume 8 issue 2 | UGC |
11 | Shadab Siddiqui,Ruba Khan , Abhishek | Analytical Survey of Windows Operating System and Comparison of Windows, Linux and Android Operating System | 2021 | ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal | Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS |
12 | Aditya Sahu,Akash chaudhary,Aman Verma,Ankit Sharma,Aryan Srivastava,Shekhar Srivastva | Home Appliences control using Voice | 2021 | international journal of Software Computing and Testing | UGC |
13 | Amit Kumar Jaiswal | Crime Management | 2021 | Book Chapter: Published by the Association of Global Academician and Researchers Tamilnadu on 01 May 2021. | Google Scholar |
14 | Aditya Kumar Srivastav, Kanchan Jaiswal, Prateek Srivastava, Ishika Yadav, Gunjan Mishra | ANN Application in Data Mining for Time Series Forecasting | 2021 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR | UGC –Care Approved group |
15 | Tanisha Arora, Ankita Agarwal, Neha Singh, Shivakankshi Singh, Nirupama Gupta, Shahida Khatoon | Emerging Technology IoT and OT: Overview, Security Threats, Attacks and Countermeasures | 2021 | IJIRT | Google Scholar |
16 | Abhishek Pandey, Ankita Agarwal, Aditya Kartikeya Dubey, Nikhil Bhatt, Utkarsh Yadav | Flower Classification using Supervised Learning | 2021 | IJIRT | Google Scholar |
17 | Aman Srivastava, Ankita Agarwal | ANN Application in Data Mining for Time Series Forecasting | 2021 | IJERT | Google Scholar |
18 | Shadman A. Khan1*, Zulfikar Ali Ansari1 , Riya Singh1 , Mohit Singh Rawat1 , Fiza Zafar Khan1 and Shubham Kumar Yadav | Sign Translation Via Natural Language ProcessingSign Translation Via Natural Language Processing | 2021 | Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science | Google Scholar |
19 | 1Sarthak Pandey, 2Zulfikar Ansari, 3Akansha Niranjan, 4Alisha Singh, 5Satyam Srivastava, 6Nandini Goel | Automated Restaurant System Using IoT | 2021 | International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology | Google Scholar |
20 | Aishwarya Gupta*Zulfikar Ali Ansari*Ananya Singh* | Smart Weather Monitoring System Using Arduino Uno | 2021 | International Journal of Advanced Engineering Science and Technological Research (IJAESTR) | Google Scholar |
21 | Avaneet Agrahari1 , Zulfikar Ali Ansari2 , Arunesh Srivastava3 , Ankit Yadav4 , Vandana Mishra5 , Atul Kumar6 | Automatic Room and Temperature Monitoring with Visitor Counter Using Arduino and IOT | 2021 | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | Google Scholar |
22 | Mukul Lal1, Zulfikar Ali2, Mrinal Pandey3, Nitesh Prajapati4, Gaurav Gupta5, Kushan Krishna6 | Proposed Work On Object Sorting Using Color Sensing | 2021 | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) | Google Scholar |
23 | Mohd Rehbar Khan1 , Zulfikar Ali Ansari2 , Mohammad Kamil Amin3 , Mohammad Nabeel4 , Zaid Alam5 , Km. Pooja | Smart Navigating Stick | 2021 | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | Google Scholar |
24 | Mr. Suryansh Pandey, Mr. Anurag Shukla, Mr. Shivam Singh, Mr. Vijay Kumar, Mr.Vipin Goand | Depression detection from social network data using ML | 2021 | IJRSET: International Journal for Research in Science Engineering & Technology | Google Scholar |
25 | Saijshree Srivastava, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bhadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Comparative Analysis of Neuro-Fuzzy Model For Human Resources | 2021 | IJISET – International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology | Research-gate |
26 | Shashank Mishra, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rajiv Singh, Vivek Pandey, Shubham Sagar, Yasasvi Singh | Covid-19 Detection Using AI | 2021 | Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET) | Research-gate |
27 | Saijshree Srivastava, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bhadur Singh | Greens IOT and its Green enabling Environment | 2021 | Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT) | Research-gate |
28 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh,Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh,Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Digital Transformation of Healthcare: A blockchain study | 2021 | International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology | Research-gate |
29 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Greens IOT and its Green enabling Environment | 2021 | IJSRCSEIT | UGC |
30 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh,Rishabh Tripathi, Shreyas Srivastava, Diksha Sonkar, Ayushi Srivastava | Digital Asset Management | 2021 | IJIRT | Google Scholar |
31 | Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Vivek Sharma , Surabhi Kesarwani | Exploration of Monitoring and Detection of Blood Pressure via Machine Learning. | 2021 | Annals of R.S.C.B | SCOPUS |
32 | Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh | Green IOT and it’s green enabling enviroment | 2021 | International Journal IJRDASEVolume 21, Issue 1, 2021 ISSN NO. 2454-6844. | Google Scholar |
33 | Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | “Digital Transformation of Healthcare: A Blockchain study” | 2021 | International journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology | UGC |
34 | Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | “Voice Assistant Using Python” | 2021 | IJIRT, Vol. 8 Issue 2, July 2021 ISSN: 2349 – 6002. | UGC |
35 | Aditi Gaur,Raghuveer Sachan,Ashutosh Dwivedi, Niharika Singh, Shivansh Pandey, Ankush Singh | Eye Blinking and Drowsiness Detection | 2021 | July 2021| IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 2 | UGC |
36 | Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Greens IOT and its Green enabling Environment | 2021 | International journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology | UGC |
37 | Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Digital Transformation of Healthcare: A blockchain study | 2021 | IJSRCSEIT | Google Scholar |
38 | Ashutosh Singh, Ranjeet Srivastva, Y.N. Singh | Plexnet:An ensemble of deep neural networks for biometric templete protection | 2021 | IJACSA | ESCI,SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL |
39 | Ranjeet Srivastva, Ashutosh Singh, Y.N.Singh | Plexnet: A fast and robust ECG biometric system for huma recognition | 2021 | Information Sciences(Elsevier) | SCI |
40 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Cost Estimation of Software by ANFIS based Artificial Intelligence Approach | 2021 | International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering | Google Scholar |
41 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh,Saijshree Srivastav, Surya Vikram Singh,Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Digital Transformation of Healthcare: A Blockchain study | 2021 | International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology | Google Scholar |
42 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Greens IOT and its Green enabling Environment | 2021 | IJSRCSEIT | UGC |
43 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh,Rishabh Tripathi, Shreyas Srivastava, Diksha Sonkar, Ayushi Srivastava | Digital Asset Management | 2021 | IJIRT | Google Scholar |
44 | Smiley Gandhi Prof.(Dr.) Kumar Sampath | Influence of IoT with Cryptography in Healthcare Applications: A Review | 2021 | Shodh Drishti(UGC) | Research-gate |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan, A K Khare | Analysis of Four-bar Linkages Suitable for Above-knee Prosthesis | 2022 | EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy | Scopus |
2 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan | Study and Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties on sawdust reinforced epoxy-based Composite | 2021 | World Journal of Engineering | Scopus |
3 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan, Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Manish Maurya | Mechanical, Physical and Thermal Behaviour of SiC and MgO Reinforced Aluminium Based Composite Material | 2021 | EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy | Scopus |
4 | SS Chauhan, S C Bhaduri | Analysis of four-bar linkages configurations for above-knee prosthesis Status | 2021 | EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy | Scopus |
5 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan, Jitendra Kumar Singh, Himanshu Singh, Sanjeev Mavi, Vaibhav Singh, Md Intzar Khan | An overview on recycling plastic wastes in bricks | 2021 | Materials Today: Proceedings | Scopus |
6 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan, Nagendra Kumar Maurya, Shashi Prakash Dwivedi | Effect of Particle Size and Weight Percent of Different Wood Dust on the Tensile Strength of Glass Fiber Epoxy/Saw Dust Composite Using RSM | 2021 | Materials Today: Proceedings | Scopus |
7 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan., Khare A.K | Method of Obtaining Planar State of Stress Using Mohr’s Circle—Some Typical Cases | 2022 | Recent Trends in Engineering Design. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore | Scopus |
8 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan, S S Saxena | Investigation On Automobile Fire And Its Root Causes | 2021 | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, (Conference Proceedings) Springer | Scopus |
9 | Ms. Swati Sachdev | A Comparative Study of Electromagnetic Braking System | 2021 | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) | UGC Approved |
10 | Ms. Swati Sachdev | Breaking System using Ultrasonoc Transmitter and Receiver Indicator with a Buzzer | 2022 | International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science | UGC Approved |
11 | Dr. Ankit Asthana | An Interpretivestructural modelling approach to lean manufacturing ostacles | 2022 | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering | Scopus |
12 | Mr. Vivek Narain | Fabrication of Pneumatic Jack | 2022 | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management | UGC Approved |
13 | Mr. Vivek Narain | Portable Wood Lathe Machine | 2022 | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management | UGC Approved |
14 | Dr. Anil Kumar | Machining of stainless steel- A Review | 2022 | International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science | UGC Approved |
15 | Dr. Anil Kumar | Design & Fabrication of Hydrolic break system | 2022 | International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science | UGC Approved |
16 | Mr. Shakti Singh | Terrain Vehicle using Rocker-Bogie Arm Mechanism | 2022 | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management | UGC Approved |
17 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Statistical and Intelligent Techniques for Modeling and Optimization of Duplex Turning for Aerospace Material | 2021 | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, World Scientific Publishing Company | SCI |
18 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Multi-response optimization for sequential application of erosion–abrasion in face grinding configuration | 2021 | International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Taylor & Francis | Scopus |
19 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Integrated Methodology of Soft Computing for Process Modeling and Optimization of Duplex Turn Cutting of Titanium Alloy | 2022 | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, World Scientific Publishing Company | SCI |
Session 2020-2021
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Dr. Shailendra Tahilyani | Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic and Fuel Cell Power Sharing Using Feedback Controlled DC\DC Converters | 2020 | International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, Volume 26, Issue 3 | Scopus |
2 | Kalyan Krishna Awasthi | Cost Effective Wadte Water Treatment for Rural Villages | 2021 | IJAEM, Volume 6 | UGC Approved |
3 | Kalyan Krishna Awasthi | Smart Clothes For Security Forces | 2021 | JETIR, Volume 8 | Referred |
4 | Dr. Rupali Agarwal | Smart Surveillance System | 2021 | International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 3, issue 6 | Referred |
5 | Ravi Shankar | Artificial Intelligence enabled Robotictrash boat to Drive and Harvest Floating Trash from Urban Drain | 2021 | IJAEM, Volume 3 | Referred |
6 | Diwakar Singh | Fire fighting through high resistance robot | 2021 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) | Referred |
7 | Dr.Abhimanyu Kumar Yadav | Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic and Fuel Cell Power Sharing Using Feedback Controlled DC\DC Converters | 2020 | International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, Volume 26, Issue 3 | Scopus |
8 | Dr.Abhimanyu Kumar Yadav | Home Automation using Arudino with Android Application | 2021 | IJARIIT, Vol. 6 Issue 3 | UGC Approved |
9 | Pankaj Verma | Cost Effective Waste Water Treatment for Rural Villages | 2021 | International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 3, issue 6 | Referred |
10 | Yamini Yadav | Water Quality measuring device Using IOT | 2021 | International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 3, issue 6 | Referred |
11 | Dharmesh Kumar | Infrared Thermometer using Arduino | 2021 | Internation Journal for Research, vol. 9 | Referred |
12 | Dharmesh Kumar | Automatic Rain Sensing Wiper using Arduino | 2021 | Internation Journal for Research, vol. 9 | Referred |
13 | Kishan Kumar | Automatic Plant Watering System using Arduino Uno and Soil Moisture Sensors | 2021 | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | Referred |
14 | Kishan Kumar | An Innovative Technique of Electricity Generation and Use of Washing Machine by Treadmill | 2021 | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | Referred |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Prof. Neha Gupta | Assessment of The Status of Municipal Solid Waste Characterizations And Management Strategies (Mswm) For The Lucknow City- Capital Of Uttar Pradesh, India | 2020 | International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development, MNNIT, Allahabad | UGC Approved |
2 | Prof. Neha Gupta | The Development of the Effective Learning Environment by Creating & Sustaining an Effective Teaching in the Classroom | 2020 | National Conference on Computing, Communication, Control, Informatics & Pharmaceutical Sciences | UGC Approved |
3 | Prof. Neha Gupta | Review on Thermoelectric Air Conditioning System: Applications and Technology | 2021 | IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) | UGC Approved |
4 | Prof. Neha Gupta | Thermoelectric Air Conditioning | 2021 | International Conference on Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICRAME 2021) | UGC Approved |
5 | Prof. Neha Gupta | A review on Green Manufacturing: It’s important, Methodology and its Application | 2021 | International Conference on Technological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICTAME 2021) | UGC Approved |
6 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan, A K Khare | Kinematic Analysis of the ABB IRB 1520 Industrial Robot using RoboAnalyzer Software | 2020 | EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy | SCOPUS |
7 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan, S C Bhaduri | Structural analysis of a Four-bar linkage mechanism of Prosthetic knee joint using Finite Element Method | 2020 | EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy | SCOPUS |
8 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan | Kinematic and Kinetic Gait Analysis of bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis and Its Effects on ankle and hip Gait Mechanics | 2020 | EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy | SCOPUS |
9 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan, Dwivedi, S.P. | Surface roughness and material removal rate behaviors of hard materials such as titanium alloy, nickel-based super alloy and tool steel | 2020 | TECNICA ITALIANA-Italian Journal of Engineering Science | Scopus |
10 | Mr. Vivek Narain | Fabrication of Solar Powered Vecile for Four wheeler | 2021 | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) | UGC Approved |
11 | Dr. Ankit Asthana | Hardness & Impact Strength of Silk/ Hemp-epoxy Composites | 2021 | International Journal of Fracture and Damage Mechanics | UGC Approved |
12 | Dr. Ankit Asthana | Mechanical behavior of silk/hemp/steel wool–Epoxy composite | 2021 | Materials Today: Proceedings | Scopus |
13 | Dr. Ankit Asthana | Analysis of mechanical strength and Young’s modulus of ultrasonically functionalised CNT-epoxy composites | 2021 | Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies | E-SCI |
14 | Dr. Ankit Asthana | Hardness and Impact Strength of Glass Fiber/Coir – epoxy composite | 2021 | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research | UGC Approved |
15 | Dr. Ankit Asthana | Fabrication of Motorized Screw Jack Machine | 2021 | International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods | UGC Approved |
16 | Dr. Anil Kumar | Roll of Detonation gun sprayed coating on super alloy- A Review | 2020 | Muktshad Journal | UGC Approved |
17 | Dr. Anil Kumar | Review of Solar pumping water irrigation system using Bluetooth | 2021 | IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) | UGC Approved |
18 | Mr. Shakti Singh | Solar powered water purification system | 2021 | Info kara Research | UGC Approved |
19 | Kamaleshwar dhar Dwivedi | Design and Analysis of our Wheeler Vehicles Frame | 2021 | International research Journal off Engineering and Technology | UGC Approved |
20 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Modelling and optimisation of duplex turning of titanium alloy (grade 5) using Taguchi methodology-response surface methodology | 2020 | International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Inderscience Publishers (IEL) | SCI |
21 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Experimental studies and multi-response optimisation of duplex turning parameters using grey relational analysis with entropy measurement | 2020 | International Journal of Precision Technology, Inderscience Publishers (IEL) | SCI |
22 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Modeling and optimization of duplex turning parameters for Ni-718 using response surface modeling | 2020 | Materials Research Express, IOP Publishing | Scopus |
23 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Empirical modeling and multi-response optimization of duplex turning for Ni-718 alloy | 2020 | International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer India | Scopus |
24 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Electro-spark process for microfabrication | 2021 | Micro Electro-fabrication, Elsevier | Scopus |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Saxena S.;Yagyasen D.;Saranya C.N.;Boddu R.S.K.;Sharma A.K.;Gupta S.K. | Hybrid Cloud Computing for Data Security System | 2021 | 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA) Publisher: IEEE | Scopus |
2 | Shadab Siddiqui, Dr. Manuj Darbari, Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen | “Crime Detection Using Sentiment Analysis” | 2020 | International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC), 2020 , Volume 16, Issue 3 | Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS |
3 | Shadab Siddiqui , Dr Manuj Darbari and Diwakar Yagyasen | “An QPSL Queuing Model for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing” | 2020 | International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) , Volume 16 ,Issue 2, Apr 2020 , pp 65–81 | Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS |
4 | Shadab Siddiqui, Dr Manuj Darbari and Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen | “Enhancing the capability of Load Management Techniques in Cloud using H_FAC Algorithm Optimization” | 2019 | The International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2019, Volume 8 Issue 12, | Scopus Indexed |
5 | Shadab Siddiqui, Manuj Darbari, Diwakar Yagyasen | “Evaluating Load Balancing Algorithms for Performance Optimization in Cloud Computing” | 2019 | Soft Computing and Signal Processing Springer AISC Series, Singapore , 2019 Volume 1,pp 325-344 | Springer AISC SERIES |
6 | Shadab Siddiqui, Manuj Darbari, Diwakar Yagyasen | A Comprehensive Study of Challenges and Issues in Cloud Computing”, | 2020 | ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal Regular Issue, Vol. 9 N. 3 (2020), 17-28 | ESCI,Scopus Indexed Journal |
7 | Asmita Shukla, Ankita Agarwal, Hemlata Pant, Priyanka Mishra | Flower Classification using Supervised Learning | 2020 | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology | google Scholar |
8 | Shadab Siddiqui, Dr. Manuj Darbari, Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen | “Crime Detection Using Sentiment Analysis” | 2020 | International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC), 2020 , Volume 16, Issue 3 | Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS |
9 | Shadab Siddiqui , Dr Manuj Darbari and Diwakar Yagyasen | “An QPSL Queuing Model for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing” | 2020 | International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) , Volume 16 ,Issue 2, Apr 2020 , pp 65–81 | Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS |
10 | Shadab Siddiqui, Dr Manuj Darbari and Dr. Diwakar Yagyasen | “Enhancing the capability of Load Management Techniques in Cloud using H_FAC Algorithm Optimization” | 2019 | The International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2019, Volume 8 Issue 12, | Scopus Indexed |
11 | Shadab Siddiqui, Manuj Darbari, Diwakar Yagyasen | “Evaluating Load Balancing Algorithms for Performance Optimization in Cloud Computing” | 2019 | Soft Computing and Signal Processing Springer AISC Series, Singapore , 2019 Volume 1,pp 325-344 | Springer AISC SERIES |
12 | Shadab Siddiqui, Manuj Darbari, Diwakar Yagyasen | A Comprehensive Study of Challenges and Issues in Cloud Computing”, | 2020 | ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal Regular Issue, Vol. 9 N. 3 (2020), 17-28 | ESCI,SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL |
13 | Suyesh Tripathi, Shadab Siddiqui, Siddhant Kapur, Syed Adnan Abbas, Saurabh Kumar Kashyap, Waris Khan | Fastest Growing Waste: E-waste | 2020 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | Google Scholar |
14 | Rishabh Tripathi Mr. Shadab Siddiqui Diksha Sonkar | Centeract A Novel Approach | 2020 | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) | Google Scholar |
15 | Sarthak Pandey, Shadab Siddiqui, Shekhar Srivastava, Diwakar Yagyasen, Suryansh Pandey | Line Follower Smart Dustbin using IOT | 2020 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) | UGC |
16 | Nikhil Gupta, Kaneez Zainab,Sanskar Srivastava, Akash Agnihotri,Kaushal, Ahmed | Heartbeat Monitoring Device Using Arduiono with IOT | 2020 | International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications | google scholar |
17 | Kaneez Zainab, Dr Namrata Dhanda | Prevention of E-Frauds by self authenticating the e- documents | 2020 | International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications | google scholar |
18 | Amit Kr. Jaiswal | Implementing Leach Protocal for Network Lifetime Inhancement through an Energy efficient Approach | 2020 | “International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering & Management (IJSREM) | google scholar |
19 | Mohd. Yusuf Zaidi Amit Kumar Jaiswal Mohd. Arman Rayeen Mohd. Arshad, | Organ donar behaviur | 2020 | “International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering & Management (IJSREM) | google scholar |
20 | Amit Kumar Jaiswal Priyadarshini Himanshu Kumar Ashwani Kumar | E- Home Designer | 2020 | “International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering & Management (IJSREM) | google scholar |
21 | Abhinav Chaudhary, Pooja khulbe | Handwritten Text Recognition App Using Python | 2020 | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | google scholar |
22 | Aditya Kumar Srivastav, Kanchan Jaiswal, Prateek Srivastava, Ishika Yadav, Gunjan Mishra | Flower Classification using Supervised Learning | 2020 | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) | UGC –Care Approved group |
23 | Asmita Shukla, Ankita Agarwal, Hemlata Pant, Priyanka Mishra | Tensor Analysis Application for Web Mining on High Dimensional Data | 2020 | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology | google Scholar |
24 | Prof. (Dr.) Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Neha Goyal, Rohit, Dr. Sapna Singh | A Supply Chain Management Based Patient Forecasting Model For Dental Hospital | 2020 | Journal of Critical Reviews | SCOPUS 2019-20 |
25 | Mohit Gangwar, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Rohit Srivastava, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap Singh | Artificial Neural Network based Applications in Mechanical Engineering | 2020 | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) | SCOPUS 2019-20 |
26 | Dr. Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Dr. Sapna Singh | Machine Learning Techniques in the Detection and Classification of Psychiatric Diseases | 2020 | TEST Engineering and management | SCOPUS 2019-20 |
27 | Dr. Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Dr. Sapna Singh | Intelligent Computing Model For Psychiatric Disorder | 2020 | Machine Learning Techniques in the Detection and Classification of Psychiatric Diseases | SCOPUS 2019-20 |
28 | Mohit Gangwar, Sapna Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Rohit, Chandrabhan Singh, Neha Goyal, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | A Review on Machine Learning Techniques in the Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders | 2020 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development | SCOPUS 2019-20 |
29 | Mohit Gangwar, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Sapna Singh | A Challenging Situation for the World | 2020 | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | SCPOUS 2019-20 |
30 | Sapna Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Mohit Gangwar | Comparative Analysis of Neuro-Fuzzy Model For Human Resources | 2020 | International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research | SCPOUS 2019-20 |
31 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Intelligent Computing Model For Psychiatric Disorder | 2020 | International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering | google- scholar |
32 | Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh | A Review on Machine Learning Techniques in the Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders | 2020 | International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering | google- scholar |
33 | Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh | A Challenging Situation for the World | 2020 | International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering | google- scholar |
34 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Web Site Popularity Estimation using Genetic Algorithm based Modedlling | 2020 | International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering | Research-gate |
35 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Development of AI Based Application for Diagnosis Diabetes Using Pathological Attributes | 2020 | International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering | google- scholar |
36 | Surabhi Kesarwani | Exploring issues and Proposing Model of Agile Parking Slot Allocation & Assistance System | 2020 | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | Google Scholar |
37 | Surabhi Kesarwani | Exploring issues and challenges in Automated Self Driving System- Robots on Roads, Bringing Illusion to Reality | 2020 | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | Google Scholar |
38 | Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh | “Development of AI based Application for Diagnosis Diabetes Using Pathological Attributes” | 2020 | International Journal IJRDASEVolume 20, Issue 2, 2020 ISSN NO. 2454-6844. | Google Scholar |
39 | Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rudrendra Bahadur Singh | “Cost Estimation of Software by ANFIS based Artificial Intelligence Approach” | 2020 | International Journal IJRDASEVolume 20, Issue 2, 2020 ISSN NO. 2454-6844. | Google Scholar |
40 | Saijshree Srivastav, Shiva Prakash | Review on Enhanced Energy Efficient Routing Protocol of WSN and Use of IoT | 2020 | ICRITO | SCOPUS |
41 | Saijshree Srivastav, Shiva Prakash | Security Enhancement of IoT Based Smart Home Using Hybrid Technique | 2020 | Journal of Critical Reviews | SCOPUS |
42 | Prof. (Dr.) Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Neha Goyal, Rohit, Dr. Sapna Singh | A Supply Chain Management Based Patient Forecasting Model For Dental Hospital | 2020 | Journal of Critical Reviews | SCOPUS 2019-20 |
43 | Mohit Gangwar, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Rohit Srivastava, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap Singh | Artificial Neural Network based Applications in Mechanical Engineering | 2020 | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) | SCOPUS 2019-20 |
44 | Dr. Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Dr. Sapna Singh | Machine Learning Techniques in the Detection and Classification of Psychiatric Diseases | 2020 | TEST Engineering and management | SCOPUS 2019-20 |
45 | Dr. Mohit Gangwar, Aditya Pratap Singh, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Rohit Srivastava, Dr. Sapna Singh | Intelligent Computing Model For Psychiatric Disorder | 2020 | Journal of Critical Reviews | SCOPUS 2019-20 |
46 | Mohit Gangwar, Sapna Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Rohit, Chandrabhan Singh, Neha Goyal, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | A Review on Machine Learning Techniques in the Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders | 2020 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development | SCOPUS 2019-20 |
47 | Mohit Gangwar, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Sapna Singh | A Challenging Situation for the World | 2020 | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | SCPOUS 2019-20 |
48 | Sapna Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla, Aditya Pratap Singh, Rohit Srivastava, Mohit Gangwar | Comparative Analysis of Neuro-Fuzzy Model For Human Resources | 2020 | International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research | SCPOUS 2019-20 |
49 | Vandana Tripathi | PAN- Sharpening of Multi -Spectral Satellite Images Using Multi Scale Transform Based Techniques | 2019 | JETIR | UGC |
50 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Web Site Popularity Estimation using Genetic Algorithm based Modedlling | 2020 | International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering | UGC |
51 | Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Surya Vikram Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Development of AI Based Application for Diagnosis Diabetes Using Pathological Attributes | 2020 | International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering | UGC |
52 | Smiley Gandhi, Mohaammad Shabaz | Evichain:Evaluating and Scrutinizing Crime using Block Chain | 2019 | IJRTE(Scopus) | Google Scholar |
53 | Mr. Himanshu Kumar Shukla | Android Malware Detection Amid Covid-19 | 2020 | IEEE | UGC Approved |
54 | Ms. Saijshree Srivastava | An Analysis of Various IoT Security Techniques: A Review, | 2020 | IEEE | UGC Approved |
55 | Mr. Rohit Srivastava | Accident Avoidance Using SUMO | 2020 | IEEE | UGC Approved |
Session 2019-20
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Dr.Rupali Agarwal | Performance Improvement of Energy Detector in Cognitive Radio using SECp Diversity Combining Technique over Fading Channel | 2019 | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (Inderscience) Vol. 86 | Scopus |
2 | Diwakar Singh | Automating Irrigation Process Using Soil & Weather Conditions | 2020 | VSRD International Journal, Vol 10 | UGC Approved |
3 | Kishan Kumar | Minimizing Power Factor Loss In Power Consumption by Engaging APFC Unit | 2020 | International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering | Referred |
4 | Kishan Kumar | Underground Fault Distance Locator using PIC based Microcontroller and GSM system | 2020 | International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering | Referred |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Prof. Neha Gupta | Advanced Genetic Algorithm and ANN Based Surface Roughness | 2019 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) | UGC Approved |
2 | Ashwani Kumar Pandey | Engineering for Change | 2019 | Souvenir | Conference |
3 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan | Kinematic and kinetic analysis of knee joint during squatting | 2019 | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering | SCOPUS |
4 | Shailendra Singh Chauhan, Prem Shankar Singh | Fabrication and testing of plastic sand brick | 2019 | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering | SCOPUS |
5 | Ms. Swati Sachdev | A comparative study of generation of electricity from waste water | 2019 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | UGC Approved |
6 | Mr. Vivek Narain | Study and Imperical Modelling relating welding parameters & Mechanical properties off metal innert gas welded SS304 & C28 plate | 2019 | International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | UGC Approved |
7 | Dr. Anil Kumar | Analysis of Oxidation behaviour on T22 Boiler Steel at 800 degree centrigrade | 2020 | Journal of Polymer & Composite | UGC Approved |
8 | Dr. Anil Kumar | Analysis of Oxidation behaviour on Alloys & Super Alloy at 800 degree centrigrade | 2020 | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) | Scopus |
9 | Dr. Anil Kumar | Comperative Study of Oxidation & Hot Corrosion beaviour of uncocated & ditonation gun sprayed Cr3C2-25 Nicr coating on SA213 Boiler Steel at 800 degree centrigrade | 2020 | Journal of thin flim coating science technology & applications | UGC Approved |
10 | Mr. Shakti Singh | Statistical Analysis of efect of welding factors on mechanical property of hot air welded polyvinyl Chloride | 2019 | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR) | UGC Approved |
11 | Kamaleshwar dhar Dwivedi | Parametric Optimization of MIG Weldingg for Dissimilar Metals Using Taguchi Design Method | 2019 | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology | UGC Approved |
12 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Micro-electrochemical Discharge Machining | 2019 | Springer, Singapore | Scopus |
13 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Electro-chemical spark machining–based hybrid machining processes: research trends and opportunities | 2019 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture | Scopus |
14 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Multi-response optimization of process parameters for grinding aided electrical discharge machining of metal matrix composite | 2019 | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems | Scopus |
15 | Dr. Ravindra Nath Yadav | Multi-response optimization of duplex turning of Nickel alloy using grey relational analysis with entropy measurement | 2019 | Engineering Research Express, IOP Publishing | SCI |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Apoorva Srivastava, R.S. Bajpai | An Adaptive Control Strategy for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Variable Speed Wind Turbine using Model Predictive Control | 2019 | ICon-Cute-2019 | Scopus |
2 | Apoorva Srivastava, R.S. Bajpai | Comparative Analysis of PI & MPC Controllers for Dynamic Voltage Restorer using Wind Energy Conversion System | 2020 | ICNTE-2021 | Scopus |
3 | Apoorva Srivastava, Ayush tiwari, Deepak Kushwaha, Divyanshu Pratap Singh | Hybrid Integration of grid connected renewable energy system for controlling voltage and power | 2021 | ICEICT-2022 | Scopus |
4 | Apoorva Srivastava, Kishan Kumar, Akhilesh Kumar Maurya | Wind Turbine Fed Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Voltage Disturbance Mitigation | 2021 | ICACFCT-2021 | Scopus |
5 | Adesh Kumar Mishra | A low cost PLC industrial Automation | 2019 | IJRASET | UGC Approved |
6 | Adesh Kumar Mishra | The development ocean energy in India | 2019 | IEEE | Scopus |
S.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Research Paper | Year | Journal Name/ Volume | Remark (SCI/Scopus/UGC/Referred/Conference) |
1 | Anurag Tiwari, Vivek Kumar Singh, Praveen Kumar Shukla, Manuj Darbari | Blending Multi-Objective Optimization and Quality Function Deployment For Determining Cost And Quality | 2020 | Journal of Mechanics of Continua And Mathematical Sciences,2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-3, March (2020) Pp 311-323 | SCI |
2 | Anurag Tiwari, Vivek Kumar Singh, Praveen Kumar Shukla, Manuj Darbari | Feature Extraction for Mobile Handset in Coherency with Pricing Factors | 2020 | Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences, 2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-3, March (2020) Pp 297-310 | SCI |
3 | M Darbari, H Ahmed and P.K. Singh | SMART Public Enterprises using Semantic Knowledge Management | 2020 | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Vol. 8, Issue 05, 2020.UGC CARE LIST No. 46174 (SCOPUS)ISSN:2278-3075 | Scopus |
4 | S Siddiqui, M Darbari, D Yagyasen | Enhancing the capability of Load Management Techniques in Cloud using H_FAC Algorithm Optimization | 2019 | International Journal of e-Collaboration) (ESCI, Scopus) ISSN: 1548-3673. | ESCI |
5 | S. Singh, M. Darbari, G. Kant | Prioritized Intervention in E-Commerce Applications using Logical OCL Software Agents (PIE) | 2020 | Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences VOL-15 No – 6, June, 2020 (ESCI) (Online) ISSN: 2454 – 7190. | ESCI |
6 | S. Singh, M.Darbari | Logical Intervention in the Form of Work Breakdown Strategy using Object Constraint Language for e-Commerce Application | 2019 | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 11 No. 3, pp-266-271 March 2020 (Online). (ESCI) | ESCI |
7 | S. Singh, M.Darbari | Ontological Representation of the UML/OCL Models and Their Verification | 2020 | International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking (Online) (ESCI) | ESCI |