Sports Committee

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BBDITM, Lucknow has strong belief in a quote that “Healthy mind lives in a healthy body”. Fulfilling to this, Institute provides all types of sports facility like Badminton, Cricket, Football, Basket Ball, Volley Ball, Shot-Put, Javelin Throw, Discuss Throw, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, high jump, Long jump, Athletics etc. BBDITM feels proud on their students for continuously winning Gold medals in various sports from last two years in Zonal and State Level competitions organized by AKTU. Students also participated in Udgosh event organized by IIT Kanpur and won gold medal in shot-put.

Objectives of  Committee

To build team for participating in zonal and state level sports event organized by AKTU, IIT’s and other recognized Tournaments.

Role and Responsibilities

  • To conduct trials of different sports.
  • Look after the selection of team.
  • Selection of captain and Vice-Captain.
  • To conduct practice sessions for students.
  • Encourage the students for participation in events.


  • Ankit Asthana, Convener, Sports Cell, BBDITM
  • Vivek Narain, Member, ME Dept.
  • Harendra Nath Pandey, Member, CE Dept.
  • Adesh Mishra, Member, EE Dept.
  • Rudrendra Bahadur Singh, Member,CS Dept.
  • Diwakar Singh, Member, EC Dept.
  • Ankit Kumar, Member, IT Dept.

In case of any issue or query please contact.

Dr. Ankit Asthana

Convener  , Sports Committee – BBDITM

Email :

Contact No. : 0522-3911042

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